chapter fifteen ♛

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i thought me and alejandro we're finally on the same page but i guess we weren't. not in a bad way i just don't think we both understand this situation going on right now.

i do want to be his girlfriend, but at the same time. i don't know. it's nothing against him, it's literally all personal.

i wrapped myself up in my blanket, i hadn't talked to alejandro since this morning and hadn't even left my room yet, except to pee. it was around 4:00 right now and the sun was getting ready to set.

i connected to my speaker and turned on a sad playlist. i know it's corny, but i just needed to lay down and listen to some slow songs.

i heard a soft knock on my door, but ignored it. i wasn't in the mood. till the knock got loud, someone is deadass banging on my door.

i got up, angry and opened the door. i looked up and saw mattia.

"hey tiny." he said. i know i looked disgusting but i didn't care how mattia saw me.

"hi mattia" i said and let him in. he sat down in my makeup chair.

"alejandro is like, lost." he said looking at me.

"what? we talked this morning he seemed fine." i said and pushed my hair behind my ears.

"no. aliyah, he hasn't eaten, hes barley slept, and his grades are dropping, ever since your guys fight last week." mattia said, he looked sad. i was hurting his bestfriend.

"look, you guys are both my best friends. and i'd never choose him over you or you over him. but he is lost, and he is confused, and he's broken. you don't have to tell me anything, he hasn't. but you do need to talk to him."

"i was at his house last night, after the awards. he seemed fine. i mean we fucked and then we fought and then he asked me to be his girlfriend." i said. i widened my eyes, that entire sentence sounded crazy.

"are you hearing yourself aliyah." mattia said.

"mattia. i just don't want a boyfriend. i don't need one. if alejandro wants, he can get ANY girl, i'm sure they'd be happy with him." i sighed.

"aliyah. he doesn't want ANY girl. he wants you. i can't believe you're letting a great guy, who you've had a crush on for like, EVER, go. you're being such an idiot."

"i just don't want things to go bad. every since we started confessing love to eachother and shit, it's gone so downhill." i adjusted my hair and pulled my blanket over myself.

"bro just think about how happy he's made you. you dragged him along in your tiny little life and now, now he just wants to know he belongs in it." mattia said and got up.

"i'll see you later, tiny." mattia smiled and walked out. i gave him a little wave. i didn't have any energy to speak anymore.
a few hours later, while scrolling through my phone, i saw a photo on instagram.



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