chapter twelve ♛

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~the next day - two days after halloween- saturday.~
i woke up this morning in my own bed, thank god. i crawled out of the sheets and threw on some pants and left my room. it was saturday, so i already knew kairi was probably out with the boys.

i checked his room just to see and i was right, he wasn't here.

"hey mom." i smiled, giving her a hug. she was sitting at the kitchen table eating pasta. i looked at the stove and saw the time, 12:00 pm. i slept pretty late.

"goodmorning muffin." she hugged me back.

we obviously made up. she just told me how she didn't think i was gonna do that to myself again, but she had every right to be worried when she gets a call that i can't even stand up, or open my eyes.

she did take my phone, but only because of the fight. so i was on punishment for the next two weeks.

but i understood, i never should have fought her, but i wasn't going to let her start coming crazy at my friend the way she was.

"angel, you should not get into a girls face that way. i'm very glad you stood up for mattia, but it's only gonna be exceptable to fight if it's for kairi or yourself." she laughed.

"well she did call me a sad, sick girl. and a bitch" i said. i just wanted my phone back.

"you provoked her first lia." she said, putting her hand on my face. "i'll change your punishment to a week. no seeing the boys, or natalie. i'm sorry."

"can i at least have my phone." i groaned.

"no you can text off your laptop." she said and unlocked her phone to play candy crush.

she was right! my laptop! i quickly ran to my room and opened my mac book. i typed in my password and opened my texts with alejandro.

alejandro rosario
aliyah- hey, what are you guys up to?
alejandro- nothing were at chipotle. i'll bring you something back if you want
aliyah- sweet of you but i'm not allowed to see anybody
alejandro- i'll leave it on the door step
aliyah- ahh id love that but i'd be tempted to have you come in
alejandro- no fucking for two weeks!
aliyah- actually only one, my mom gave in.
alejandro- damn i thought i was rey pass no nut novemberrrrr
aliyah- i mean if that's what you want
alejandro- no. it's not.
aliyah- lololol. anyway i gotta go im gonna rot in my bed and watch netflix... sadface.
alejandro- have fun mi amore
a week of no people may suck for some people, but all it meant for me was that i could watch an entire two seasons of victorious, startinggggg now.

i cuddled up into my blanket and pressed play. i really did want some chipotle though.
i woke up from the nap i took accidentally and heard my friends voices from kairis room.

i wanted to go in there and say hi so bad, but i didn't know if my mom was home or not.

i stepped out of my room and walked into my mom and dads room, she wasn't there. so, i checked the kitchen, nope. then, the front yard. her car wasn't there. score.

i walked into kairis room and heard them all cheer a little.

"hi guys!" i smiled. my hair was in a messy bun, and i was wearing sweatpants and a tank top.

"you look like a garbage man ran you over, and then picked u up and put you inside of the truck where you belong." kairi laughed, the boys laughed too.

"very funny guys. i'll have you know i have been watching victorious and that is VERY jade of you." i rolled my eyes.

"shut up aliyah, jade is your favorite character. you are jade." alejandro laughed. they all agreed. i shot him a smile.

"get a room. not mine." kairi rolled his eyes. they were all playing video games and just fucking around.

"where is ya mother." i asked kai.

"she's working the night shift." kairi said, his eyes not coming off of the tv.

"but when she works the night shift she doesn't have to go in till seven?" i said. i was sure it was only like 4, since it gets dark so early now.

"yeah well its eight." mattia said.

"EIGHT? damn, i slept good" i said doing a little dance.

"alejandro come watch victorious with me." i pouted, causing all the boys to make fake throw up noises.

"straight cap, y'all are gonna fudgeeee." alvaro said, trying to join the conversation. the boys constantly messed with him, which made me upset because he is a good friend.

"oh shush aloe vera." i rolled my eyes and left the room, maybe alejandro will follow.

which, he did. he walked into my room and sat down on my bed.

"what are you doing, lay down." i laughed.

"aliyah we have to talk." he said with a blank expression on his face.

"uh okay." i said and sat down next to him.

"i don't think i deserve this." he said, playing with his hands. he did that when he was nervous.

"don't deserve what."

"to be played. to be used. to get lied to, any of it."

"what are you talking about alex i tell you everything." i said to him.

"you tell me that you love me, but you just don't. i don't wanna just fuck you whenever we get bored, or mad, or anytime were alone for a quicky." he let out a small laugh, like a nervous laugh.

"alex, come on why are you doing this. i told you i was down for baby steps." i said and put my hand on his leg.

"maybe i'm not down for baby steps. maybe i want someone i can call mine, someone who won't get all weird and not hold my hand in public. someone who wants to go to the movies on a friday night, not a wednesday when people we know won't be there. i want someone to show me off and care about me and love me, and you aren't ready for that. i've been waiting for you for years now, and i'm sorry but i just don't deserve that."

"alejandro. i'm sorry but if you don't respect where i'm coming from when i say i don't want a relationship then why don't you just move on." i rolled my eyes.

i got where he was coming from, i did. but i wasn't going to be in a relationship with him when i wasn't ready for a relationship in general.

"don't you get the problem. i'm in love with you, and you lead me on telling me you love me too. what do you not? am i doing something wrong? do you not believe in love or something?" he said and stood up. he was getting mad.

"love isn't real, and if it is, we're not in love. were just two horny teenagers that like to have sex. we never experienced love, we experienced sex. sex is not love." i said, standing up too. looking up at him.

"well then i want someone who wants more from me than sex." he practically yelled. his face was close to mine, not in a good way, in an angry way. and i was angry too.

"then go. go find her. i don't give a single fuck."

"yeah that's the problem! you never did." he said, walking out of my room and shutting the door.
chapter twelve
1278 words
uh oh spaghetti o

fuck buddies ; alejandro rosarioWhere stories live. Discover now