chapter nineteen ♛

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today was saturday, yesterday we had a good day, up until the little argument on the way home from the pizza place. if that is even considered an argument.

right now, i was getting ready to spend the day with alejandro. we were gonna watch christmas movies, make cookies, and just hangout.

i didn't put on any makeup, because i knew he'd end up throwing some sort of ingredient in my face.

i was just about done straightening my hair when somebody knocked on my door.

"yeah?" i asked, not taking my eyes off the mirror.

"can i come in?" the person asked, it was mattia.

"yeah!" i said, and he came in.

"hey tiny" he smiled and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"hello mattia." i said, brushing my hair.

"so how's alejandro?" he asked me in a girl voice. he always plays too much.

"we're going pretty good" i smiled into the mirror, i didn't wanna talk to him about - well - you know.

"pretty good?" he said, rasing an eyebrow. giving me 'the mattia' face.

"yes. pretty good" i let out a fake laugh, almost too fake.

"define this 'pretty good' you speak of."

"like we're doing fine, we just got into a little argument. but everything is fine, i'm going there now." i said, deciding to do my makeup, because i wanted to take pictures with him.

"aliyah! an argument you say? do tell." he said crossing his leg. i swear there is no one is more dramatic on the planet.

"he asked if we could- ya know. but it seems like everything we do now, just ends up wrong to me." i said and shook my head, trying to get each negative thought about it out.

"aliyah. see i understand where you're coming from. he's been your friend for years, you both have all the same friends, and do everything together. like since forever. you just don't wanna mess that up?" he said. wow, exactly.

"EXACTLY! he just doesn't get that, and i don't expect him to. it's all just so confusing. almost like it's too much for me, ya know? but i keep trying to push that thought away, like don't get me wrong, i know he's good for me, i know he's like 'the one for me' no clicking shit." i rambled.

"you need some girl friends." mattia laughed. i rolled my eyes and continued my makeup.

"but for real, if you know he's the one for you, don't let anything hold you back. ya know?" he said and stood up.

i was done my makeup so i stood up too.

"thanks for talking with me." i smiled and gave mattia a hug. he hugged me back and said, "no problem, tiny"

he left my room and i put on jeans and a sweatshirt, making sure not to pack sweatpants, so i could take a pair of alejandros.

i slipped on my shoes, and made my way out of the house.

i stopped in kairis room and saw him asleep, and no one else was there.

i got confused, why did mattia come over then?
i arrived at alejandros and waited at the door. i had rung the doorbell a couple of seconds ago.

the door opened to reveal his little brother, emiliano. i smiled at him and he jumped up and gave me a hug.

"aliyah aliyah aliyah! guess what? we're making cookies! alejandro said i could help! isn't that so cool!" emiliano said 100 miles fast.

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