chapter fourty ♛

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aliyah cosentino-
i was currently sitting at mattias house in his backyard with alejandro, mattia,  kairi and megan.

mattias mom and dad threw him, and us, a huge graduation party. roshaun and alvaro walked out of the back door and came to sit with us.

"hey guys" alvaro smiled softly.

"sup" roshaun said.

"you guys can grab chairs from that table and sit" mattia pointed to some chairs in the yard.

"i'm kind of bummed" i said, sitting back in my seat.

"yeah, me too." kairi said, taking a look at megan.

i knew he was really sad he was gonna be leaving her. i felt the same way about alejandro.

graduation really opened my eyes, we're growing up now. i really leave new jersey in the fall.

roshaun and alvaro are going to florida, kairi and i are going to california, alejandro is staying local and going to pennsylvania, and mattia is going to north carolina.

i didn't want to be upset about leaving because it isn't until august, and late august, which is even better. i wanted to have the best summer i could, it could be our last summer all together.

"guys, let's cheer up. we're drinking at alejandros later, let's just hang out with our family for a little while and then go party!" i said, trying to cheer everybody up.

"she's right. we graduated! we have to celebrate!" mattia smiled.

"alright lets go inside" alejandro laughed, and everyone else giggled a bit.

we all got up and walked back inside mattias house to hangout with our families.

"hi babe" my mom smiled, giving me a hug.

"wheres my other one?" my mom laughed, our parents had been drinking a little bit more than usual, i guess they're celebrating too.

"right here." kairi laughed, giving my mom a hug too.

"i'm so proud of you guys. you've been through a lot but no matter what you always make me proud" my mom smiled, making my eyes fill up.

"aliyah just cheered us up mom, stop" kairi said, i could tell he was upset too.

"thank you though mom, we couldn't do it without you." i smiled, carefully wiping my eyes so i didn't mess up my makeup.
alejandros house
i walked into alejandros garage with kairi after going home to get changed.

"hey guysss!" me and kairi said as we walked in.

"hi babyyy" alejandro smiled, giving me a kiss, which i of course returned.

i noticed mattia didn't seem to be in a mood.

"you okay?" i asked, going over to him.

"yeah, i'm good." mattia said, not even looking at me.

i decided to ignore it, i wasn't going to let anything ruin my summer. i'm tired of trying to fix people.

i sat down next to alejandro on the couch.

"want a drink?" kairi asked me

"sure" i smiled and he handed me a raspberry white claw.

"so you're excited for summer?" alejandro asked, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"of course i am are you kidding?" i laughed, cuddling closer to him.

"yeah, me too." he smiled.

i gave him a kiss and returned the smile. the music started to get louder behind us, as roshuan and alvaro walked in.

"hey guys!" i smiled, sipping my drink.

everybody started dancing to lil uzi playing in the background & just having a good time.

i could see our summer becoming one we would never be able to forget. the best summer we could ever have.

of course going away to college scares me. i glanced over to my twin brother while he danced with mattia. i was just glad i didn't have to go through it alone, no matter what i'll always have kairi.

"WE GRADUATED FUCKERS!!" kairi yelled as i watched him dance. i let out a laugh and realize that was probably my que to get up and join the party.

i stood up and turned to alejandro, giving him my hand to help him up.

we all started dancing together as song after song played. drink after drink.

after awhile, we were all pretty drunk. kairi was dancing on the table while the boys threw dollar bills at him.

"TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT KAIRI!" mattia yelled, causing all us to laugh.

"PLEASE DONT KAIRI!" i yelled as i laughed.

"she's right! take them pants off kairi!" mattia yelled again.

i covered my eyes and threw myself face down onto the couch. i felt another heavy body plop ontop of me.


"how did you even know it was me?" he said in defeat while getting off of me.

"i could just tell" i laughed, getting up too.

"hey, can we go outside and talk?" he asked.

"yeah, of course."

i wasn't sure what it was he wanted to talk about, but i followed him out of the door. it was dark outside but so warm, since it was june.

"aliyah." alejandro said, taking my hands into his.


"i want you to know that no matter what happens this summer, at the end of the summer. shit, i don't care what happens ever." he started going on a rant.

i watched him run his hands through his hair, he must be stressed.

"yeah?" i asked, kind of confused.

"basically what i'm saying is- well. you didn't want to start dating last year because you didn't wanna ruin our friendship, right?"

"yeah? where's this going" i asked, very confused at this point. am i getting broken up with?

"well i just wanted to let you know that no matter what happens with us, and whatever life throws at us. i'm always going to be here for you. always. i love you." he said quietly but enough for me to hear.

i pulled him into a hug and we stood there for a moment.

"i love you too alejandro, always." i smiled, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"since the sandbox" he winked.
992 words
chapter 40 (final chapter)

well guys! you've reached the end. but don't worry i'm literally starting the second story as we speak! well as you read!

thank you guys for everything, all the support in my work, ect. i know writing this stuff isn't necessarily "work" but it is my creative outlet because i do love to write.

also if alejandro ever fucking reads this shit: hi alejandro we live abt 2 hours away from eachother and if u read this i will have to die, are u up for driving 2 hours for a funeral? didn't think so.

again thank you guys! see you in the sequel!

fuck buddies ; alejandro rosarioWhere stories live. Discover now