Chapter One

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It's important to make a good first impression Mumbo thought staring at himself in the mirror. He wore his everyday black suit with a white button down, but he had begun to panic a bit when he opened his bottom drawer only to have tie's spill out of the top, covering his arms in multi colored fabric.
"Red tie, blue tie. Red tie, blue tie, red tie-"
Mumbo jumped as his door flew open.
"I have been calling you for like ten minutes!" Doc griped, hastily removing his inside-out jacket and returning it to its correct orientation. "We don't have time to sit around! We need to get going and meet our teammates! I refuse to be late"
"I know I know" Mumbo protested, holding up the ties. "Just help me"
Doc gave him a exasperated look.
"Blue ok? It doesn't matter let's go!" he huffed ducking out of the door.
Doc had said blue. Mumbo threw it to the side, and hurried out of the room, haphazardly looping the red tie around his neck. It was so second nature to him, he was finished by the time he got to the bottom of the stairs.
Doc was waiting for him, arms crossed, but clearly not as upset as he was trying to make it seem.
"Hey I said blue"
Mumbo laughed.
"I'd rather have my grudge Doc" he said grinning.
The other engineers crowded around the pair, sharing their congratulations and jealousy.
"You're so lucky!" Tango had remarked as he opened the front door. He looked straight at Mumbo "You know, you're very young to be put on a professional team-"
"That's why I'm his partner" Doc interjected, giving Tango a meaningful glance.
Tango clicked his tongue. "Can't argue with that"
The shouts and whoops from their fellow engineers grew quieter as Mumbo and Doc walked down the cobblestone road that led towards the forest.

"Nope you're wrong. Ender pearls are better" False retorted, handing the sharpened sword to Iskall.
"For PVP, yes" he said, holstering his weapon. "But in general? Elytra are way better"
"When have you ever been given an elytra?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
Iskall reddened.
"I... I haven't, but-"
False chuckled
"But we'll get them soon!" He protested shoving arrows into his bag a little more forcefully than necessary.
"I'm aware" False said straightening up and grabbing her axe. "But it's going to take time to learn to fly, and even more to learn how to shoot from the air! This team is only going to have two soldiers and it's important that our main priority is keeping everyone safe, not flying around"
Iskall sighed.
"I know. I was just excited for something new"
And I just want to have some fun for a change he said silently.
False's expression softened. She wasn't much of a hugger, but she patted his hand gently.
"It will be something new" she said. "We are going to meet new people. Non-soldier people!"
"You're right" Iskall said, excitement back on his face. "Besides, it's going to be hard to learn to fly by ourselves. It's not like there are any avian half breeds left"
"Yeah meeting the mutants will really be something" False murmured as they headed towards the door.
"Did you hear that our leader is a healer?" Iskall said trying to keep the jealousy out of his voice.
"Yeah..." she said concernedly. "I've heard healers tend to be kind of... soft. I was kind of expecting it to be one of us"
Iskall breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Me too! I mean it's usually a soldier or at least an engineer right?"
False shrugged.
"Maybe this person has something special. We can't count them out without giving them a chance"
"Of course not" Iskall said holding the door for her. "But at least we'll be there to take over if it becomes too much for them"
False nodded, and the two set off across the open field.

"Stress, do you maybe think you could stop bouncing?" Xisuma asked gently, glancing sideways at the small brunette.
"I always bounce when I walk" she chuckled. She slowed slightly however making an effort not to bound on the balls of her feet as she took each step.
"Sorry Stress" X said. "I'm just a little freaked out that's all"
"Don't be!" Stress chirped. "You're going to be an amazing leader"
"But why me?" X asked, finally letting loose the one question that had been floating in the back of his mind for the last few weeks.
"Because you are amazing" she said reaching up to squeeze his shoulder. "You have good instincts, you're smart and caring, and you are a great healer. Almost as good as me!"
X laughed.
"Yeah almost. Thanks Stress"
"Of course" she said, resuming her bouncy walk. "It's kind of sad leaving headquarters"
X sighed.
"I know. I'm gonna miss them so much"
The other healers had given them quite the send off, singing and dancing, laughing, and saying how proud they were of their friends for being chosen. Sufficed to say, some tears had been shed on both sides.
"It's ok though" Stress said brightly, bringing X out of his thoughts. "We are going to make new friends! How many members will be on the team anyway?"
"Eight, including us" X said.
She frowned. "That's... small"
"I know, but apparently the team is really good" he said. "Very skilled and professional, I believe I was told"

Ren darted around the trees looking desperately at his winged friend in the sky.
"You look like a poodle!" Grian choked out, tears of laughter running down his face.
"It's not funny!" Ren yelled. "I said it's not funny!!!"
Ren had woken up that morning only to discover that Grian had sprayed his beautiful brown fur a tacky bright pink.
Ren had chased him around the complex before Grian had made a mad dash for the door and took to the sky.
Grian, now struggling to breath, his face flushed and red from laughter, said "Ok ok! I'm sorry. I'll come down if you promise not to kill me"
Ren narrowed his eyes, but slowly nodded his head.
Grian, still grinning, softly flew to the ground where he was tackled instantly by the pink wolf-human hybrid.
Ren began to laugh as the small blond man struggled against his weight.
"Did you really think you were getting off that easy?" he said shaking his head wildly, staining Grian's skin and sweater with cheap pink dye.
"You promised!" Grian moaned, but he was still smiling, trying to shield his face. "Get off me you dog, I can't breath!"
"Do you hear that?" Ren said, his ears peeking up in false alarm. "I think it's the worlds smallest violin"
He smirked as Grian's laugh turned into sputtering.
"Please... Ren" he wheezed.
"I'm waiting for the magic words Grian"
"You... win"
Ren relented and got off of him. He shook himself out one more time. The pink had faded slightly, but was still abundantly clinging to his ears and tail.
"Oh I am not meeting them like this" Grian muttered, attempting to wipe his face with his sleeve, only succeeding in smearing pink across his forehead.
"How do you think I feel?" Ren said, gesturing to himself. "I mean I know I'm hot but pink is not my color"
Grian laughed.
"We're going to be so late"

I hope you guys liked the first chapter! It's really just an intro to the dynamics of all the characters and their partners, but I would still love feedback!
Will put up second chapter soon

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