Chapter Two

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"This is stupid" Grian pouted, his arms crossed as he walked through the forest.
Ren rolled his eyes.
"You're being a little dramatic don't you think?"
"No!" Grian huffed. "We could get there so much faster if I flew! But nooOOOooo. I have to walk on the ground like a peasant!"
He shoved his hands into his pockets.
Ren laughed.
"Dude you know why you aren't allowed to fly there. It's a long walk, and we're passing right next to enemy territory. They can't know that you exist"
Grian exhaled through his nose in annoyance. Annoyed because he had to walk, and annoyed because he knew Ren was right.
But he didn't like staying on the ground for too long, especially when there were other people around. It made him painfully aware of how short and skinny he was. Being in the air with his beautiful wings outstretched made him feel big.
Ren wasn't the tallest, but he was at least a head taller than Grian, and very muscular. Grian felt like a child next to him.
"I could just flutter my wings a bit" Grian said sweetly, changing tactics. "Just enough to get me off the ground. I won't go above the trees"
Ren looked around. He couldn't hear anything besides the crunching of leaves under his feet, and he didn't see anyone.
"Grian you're your own person" he said. "You can do whatever you want"
Grian gave him a bright smile, spread his wings slightly, and glided gently about a foot off the ground, the wide grin stuck to his face.
Ren smiled, his forehead lined with worry. He didn't think Grian should be doing this, but after a lifetime of being kept inside and being told what to do, Ren could at least give the poor kid some freedom.
Oooh push that thought back down Ren thought. He is NOT a kid
At the ripe age of 25, Grian wasn't a child at all, and he hated people treating him as such. However with his dark blond hair, rosy cheeks, and oversized clothes rolled up several times around his elbows and ankles, he looked no older than 15.
Still, Ren always made an effort to treat him the age he was and give him the freedom he deserved.
"Hey Ren"
Grian's words caught him off guard and he blinked a few times before answering.
"Do you think they'll be expecting us?"
"Of course. They know they have hybrids on their team"
"No" Grian said. Turning to fly backwards so he could look at Ren. "Do they know what kind we are?"
"I-" Ren stopped. Usually the leader of a team would be informed of the type of hybrids they were getting, but in this case...
"I don't know" he said honestly.
Grian sighed.
"So... I should prepare myself then? For the questions?"
Ren nodded.
"I mean, I'm used to it by now so it doesn't matter anyways" Grian said turning back around.
The questions. Always with the questions. He wouldn't mind so much if they weren't the same every single time.
Where have you been?
Why were they hiding you?
Are you actually an avian or are you faking it?
What happened to your parents?
Have they ever captured you before?
Are all avians so small?
Are you the last one?
"Grian it will be fine" Ren said. "They'll make their fuss and then they'll get over it! More importantly, we are going to meet new people, and belong to an actual team! Not everyone is that lucky"
Grian nodded slowly, the tingling excitement beginning to stir in his stomach once more.
"Yeah you're right, and don't worry. I'm not worried. I never am"
He flashed Ren a winning smile before flapping his wings and speeding ahead.
"Catch up dog!" He laughed, wind whipping through his hair. "You don't want to be late"
Ren laughed and shook his head in amusement, going down onto all fours and taking up a gallop.
The two friends soared between the trees, so lively and animated that they didn't even notice the sound of a clicking camera from behind their backs

Sorry this chapter is so short, but another one will be coming very soon. In the meantime, please leave a like if you enjoyed it, and leave a comment if you would like! I love feedback.
Thanks for reading!

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