Chapter Fourteen

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Stress was sure she must have passed out at some point because she couldn't remember how she had gotten there. She had been dragged through the forest, refusing to use her feet. The trees had blurred together, and she had blinked. When she opened her eyes she was no longer in the forest.

Stress felt the soft cushion of a hospital bed underneath her body and a pillow under her head. She could hear the beeping of a BP monitor and the air smelled like disinfectant.

Slowly and carefully, Stress opened her eyes.

Yes, this was definitely a hospital of some kind. It looked different from the ones she was used to. This one wasn't white, and there were no doors or even curtains separating one bed from another. Looking out across the bleak dark room she could see what looked like hundreds of beds, each with an occupant.

Stress checked herself for injuries but found none. She wasn't even hungry or dehydrated. Following the IV stuck in her hand up to its origin, she saw what clearly looked like a water and glucose drip.

She was even wearing fresh clean clothes.

They're taking such good care of me... why?

She checked the beds again but saw no sign of Grian. Tears of pain welled up in her eyes as she began to yank the IV out.

"Stop! What are you doing?"

A girl, clearly a healer from the pin she wore, ran up to Stress's bed.

Stress froze and the girl slid the IV back in place. She smiled down at stress, her green eyes twinkling.

"I know you're probably scared and anxious about your pet, but don't worry, you are in a safe place"

Stress just stared at her.

"I'm Cleo" she continued, brushing a lock of red hair out of her face. "What's your name?"

"What do you mean, anxious to see my pet?" Stress asked in an accusatory manner, narrowing her eyes.

Cleo blinked, her smile faltering slightly.

"I mean your avian" she said. "Your pet. The half breed your kind think are-"

"He is not a pet!" Stress interrupted, sitting up so suddenly that Cleo jumped back. "He is a person! A wonderful beautiful hybrid person! How dare you call him a pet as if he is no better than any random animal"

Cleo's mouth opened and closed as if she couldn't find any words. Finally she cleared her throat and stepped forward.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken without thinking. You are new, and it will take time before you see things our way"

"Excuse me?"

Cleo had already plastered that smile back on her face and was taking out Stress's chart from the compartment at the end of the bed.

"Now, your vitals have been completely normal since you've arrived. I think you may have just over exhausted yourself on the journey here. You were quite dehydrated"

"Wait a second, don't just-"

"Going forward" Cleo cut in as though she hadn't heard Stress. "We will have you rest one more day before you begin work"

Stress gaped at her.


Cleo's grin widened.

"Thank god Cub brought you in. Scar and I are the only two doctors left in this treatment camp, and we really need help"

Stress's mind was swimming with questions.

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