Chapter Twenty Two: Epilogue

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Grian heard a knock on the door and was quick to open it, Ren's kind face staring down at him.

"Ren! It's been months!" Grian whisper cried, giving him a long hug. "Come in! Be quiet though. Cecily is having a nap"

"How is the little bird?"

"She looks exactly like me, and acts exactly like Mumbo, so absolutely perfect"

Ren chuckled quietly as Grian led him to the back porch where they could talk normally. They sat on a beautifully carved mahogany bench overlooking the sparkling summer lake.

"What brought you over?" Grian asked, pouring some tea.

"I have a break between projects" Ren explained, accepting the teacup with a nod. "And I wanted to see you before I leave for the next one"

Grian nodded in understanding. Ren's work with rehabilitation of captured hybrids had him traveling far and wide for long periods of time. After Cub had died, the corporation was quickly infiltrated and dismantled, meaning hundreds of captured hybrids and allies were freed. The image warmed Grian's heart every time he thought about it.

"Have you heard from Stress and Iskall? How are they doing?"

"Same as ever" Ren said with a barking laugh. "Iskall says that Stress is the best head of surgery the hospital has had in decades, although he may be a bit biased"

Grian laughed, putting down his cup in fear of spilling.

"Are he and False still working as teachers?"

Ren hummed in conformation.

"They're as good a team as ever, although apparently Iskall is a push over with the smaller ones"

"That's no surprise" Grian replied with an eye roll. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! I spoke to Doc recently, and he said they have finally taken down all of the old hybrid compounds. They're turning them into schools and orphanages"

"That's amazing!"

They were quiet for a moment, just listening to the soft bird calls in the distance.

"It's pretty crazy how fast everything changed in six years, isn't it" Grian said softly, everting his eyes to look out across the water.

"Do you wish for something different?"

"No of course not!" Grian said, snapping his head back in surprise. "If you had told me six years ago that I would be out of the compound, married with a child, I would have slapped you!"

"Yeah, like you ever needed an excuse to do that" Ren muttered with a smirk, earning him a slap on the shoulder.

"I just never thought I would be this lucky" Grian continued. "I guess... sometimes I worry that it's not real and I'll wake up in..."

He couldn't finish his sentence, but he didn't have to. Ren pulled him close, slightly crushing Grian's upper body in his arms.

"It's real" he murmured. "You know that. And Mumbo knows that. Have you talked to him about this?"

"Of course" Grian said, pulling out of his grasp slightly. "He's always supportive. He's perfect. I could never ask for anyone better, but he certainly could"

"Grian, I know that's not true"


"Because he used to say the exact same things about you when we were younger"

Grian was stunned into silence as Ren rose, downing the last of his tea.

"I've gotta get going. Gotta pack for the new trip, but we'll talk soon, ok?"

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