Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry it's been a minute since the last update. I had writers block, but I actually liked how this chapter ended up, so I hope it was worth the wait.

"Mumbo Jumbo!"

Mumbo turned just in time to see a flurry of golden feathers before Grian wrapped his arms around the tall engineer's neck. He reciprocated the hug, holding tightly to the avian's waist.

Grian giggled and pulled away, leaving his hands on Mumbo's shoulders.

"Did you miss me?" he teased

"Every minute of every day" Mumbo replied sincerely, reveling in the warmth of Grian's smile.

Grian had gone on a trip with Ren and had left Mumbo alone in their house for almost a week, the longest time the two had spent apart in years. He had missed his partner very badly.

Planting a quick kiss on Mumbo's cheek, Grian removed his hands from his shoulder's and walked inside the quaint rustic cottage the pair called home. Mumbo heard him inhale deeply and gasp.

"Mumbo did you cook for me?"

Mumbo smiled and strode past Grian, closing the front door behind him as he moved to the kitchen. He took the wooden spoon off the counter and stirred the contents of the steaming pot.

"Of course I did. It's not everyday I get to surprise my husband"

He turned his head to look at Grian at just the perfect moment. The golden boy's face was flushed with happiness. He stared at Mumbo with large soft eyes, a smile barely curving at his lips. Mumbo turned back to the bubbling pot so Grian would not see the blush spread across his cheeks.

He heard quick footsteps and then felt arms wrap around his waist as Grian hugged him from behind, squeezing him with all his might. Mumbo chuckled and turned to hug him properly, breathing in the sent of the pine needles that clung to Grian's blond curls. He picked them out gently.

"Did you run into a tree when you were flying back or something?"

Grian looked at the ground, his ears turning crimson.

"Not on purpose" he pouted. "I just reallywantedtoseeyou"

The last part came out in a rush and Mumbo held back a laugh. Truly he could not feel happier.

"I really wanted to see you too" he whispered.

Grian raised his head.

"I love you"

He met Mumbo's dark eyes with his own blue-grey ones, and Mumbo thought he might melt at the sight of such beauty. He traced Grian's jaw with his thumb before cupping the golden boy's head in his palm. Grian leaned into his hand lovingly for a moment before going on tiptoe and clasping his hands behind Mumbo's neck. He leaned in...


Mumbo jolted awake. He felt the imaginary memory of Grian's touch, the way his arms had slung around his neck, the way he had leaned in for a kiss...

He felt it slip away.

Letting out a shaky sigh, he looked up to see Doc standing over him.

"Sorry to wake you man, but the sun is starting to rise, and we better get moving again"

"It's ok" Mumbo said. Even though his eyes ached from exhaustion, he was glad they had not let him sleep too long.

I can sleep when Grian is back. I can sleep with-

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