[ epiphany ]

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happy 2020, everybody! it's crazy to think it's already a new decade - it seemed like just yesterday i was a wee lass reading tlo in 2010.

anyway, this was a request to do a shot based on travis realizing his feelings for katie. hope this was what you pictured!

words: 1971

. . .

The thought was first planted in my head when I sat on the top bunk, peering down at Connor under me in the Hermes cabin.

"I can't stand her," I'd complained, swinging my head to watch my brother upside-down. "She's so uptight and serious. Did you see her at breakfast this morning? She sat there and ate a blueberry muffin like she always does. She never switches it up. She's just so annoying."

A smirk inched up Connor's face. "Are you sure?"

I'd knit my brow and rolled off the bed to stand up. "Of course, idiot."

"With as much as you talk about her, I'm finding it pretty hard to believe you can't stand her."

"No, I hate her." 

"Nah, bro. You're totally in head over heels."

"What? No, gross." I scrunched up my nose. "I could never like her."

"Sure, whatever you say. But when you two are dating, just expect me to say 'I told you so'." 

Even as I scaled the climbing wall during P.E. the next day, I couldn't shake Connor's assumption out of my head. How could my own brother have thought I liked my nemesis? I hated her. Katie was the most obnoxiously-stoic demigod I'd ever met. 

Not to mention how unfair it was that she was the most beautiful demigod at camp. That only made her more annoying. Of course she'd not only be serious, deadpan, and disagreeable... she had to be gorgeous. Her looks took my breath away, so much that I couldn't focus on teasing her half the time. She mixed up my brain, and I found it difficult to even talk to her. 

So annoying.

"Travis Stoll! Get your butt over here!"

Giggling like a giddy six year old, I ran out the rest of the course before trotting over to the source of the yelling.

There was only one perk to Katie being around - pranks.

She stood with a glob of wet soil fertilizer in her hair and a huge frown on display. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot when I cracked a grin. Multiple passersby slowed their walking to watch the scene unfold like it always did.

"Stoll, what the Styx?"

"You were complaining about your hair the other day - you said you were trying to grow it out. I figured I'd help," I offered cheekily. 

Katie looked like she would explode. "Are you serious?"

"Am I laughing?" I tried - and failed - to keep from breaking into hysterics.

"Literally, yes." She narrowed her eyes. "And how do you even remember me saying that?"


I had no idea how I remembered.

"Doesn't matter. I got you good, Gardner!"

"I'm so sick of you pranking me all the time," she fulminated. 

I smirked suggestively. "Then maybe next time we get together we could..." I trailed off before I could end my sentence because I made eye contact with Connor, who'd been listening. He had a cocky "I told you so" expression, making me remember what he'd said yesterday. 

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