[ ship it pt. 3 ]

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i had a lot of fun writing this one. props to @grxceful-ly for guessing a good portion of the ending! (go check out her percabeth one shots for more on them, because she's literally the best at writing them lol.)

words: 1286

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I'm not sure how to write this letter. I'm not even sure I want to write it. But I guess I'll do it since everyone else is on board with this whole prank. Better time than any, huh? I'm not good at writing my emotions, but here's the best I can do. I've hidden my feelings for so long. Ever since day one, I knew I could never hate you. You're so amazing, and funny, and pretty. Even though you're kinda bossy sometimes, I think we really could get along if we tried. Maybe even more than get along. I don't know how to be all romantic about it on paper, so I'm just going to say it: I like you, Katie. A lot. Meet me at the dock if you reciprocate, no pranks, I swear on the River Styx.

- Your "secret" admirer, but I'm sure you've already figured it out


Katie had plopped onto her bunk, mouth hanging open as she read the letter from Travis. That said he liked her.

This couldn't be real.

She didn't know how to take it. Her eyes scanned the rushed letters again, and then once more. It definitely seemed like something Travis would write if her were to admit feelings for someone.

But feelings for her?

On the one hand, they were enemies, and everyone at camp knew it. When they met, they'd argue daily, he'd prank her constantly, and she'd yell him down every time. That was their dynamic.

On the other hand, did they even hate each other? They laughed about their fights later, and she didn't really mind the practical jokes. As they grew older with each other, they were more friends than foes. They sought each other out to talk and were always there to listen and bounce ideas off of mutually.

Was that enough to like someone?

Her heart rate sped up as she thought about it. Sure, she'd questioned if there could've been something more to their relationship, but she'd never considered taking initiative to say anything. Not that she wouldn't have jumped at an opportunity, but...

This is my opportunity.

Swallowing at her realization, she tried to weigh her options. She could ignore the letter and act like nothing happened. Some awkwardness would ensue, but nothing tragic. Travis wouldn't have brought it up ever again. Or, she could confront him and tell him she didn't have feelings for him. Not only would that have been a lie, but then she would've lost the person she enjoyed being with the most.

Did I really just think that?

That answered it for her. She was going to the lake to find Travis. He liked her. She decided to give him a shot.

Her footsteps quickened as she approached the dock, where, sure enough, Travis stood. His back faced her and he surveyed the lake, foot tapping with nerves.

Confidence wavering for a moment, she wondered if she shouldn't have come.

Then he turned around.


For a moment, her instincts pushed for her to march up to him and shove him into the lake for even writing such an abrupt letter. She searched for any sign of this being a prank, but she'd already known it wasn't one. He wouldn't have been kidding about this, regardless of what he swore upon in his letter.

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