[ glasses pt. 1 ]

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howdy! i was emotional after writing that chapter of fake, so i needed a boost. here's some fluff to make us all feel better.

i have a very specific headcanon that travis gets glasses and katie finds him oddly irresistible in them. i don't know why, i just really like that.

words: 1320

. . .

"Is today the day?" I stifled a laugh as the Stoll boy squinted at me.

He grinned at me. "Why, gonna miss me while I'm gone, Katie-kat?"

I snorted. "Hardly. I'm just gonna miss you being blind."

For the better half of the year, Travis' eyesight had been taking a turn for the worse. It was painfully obvious he needed to go to an eye doctor to get it checked out, and Chiron finally set up an appointment with one on the outskirts of Manhattan.

Clearly, I used it to my full advantage. There hadn't been a successful prank in the Demeter cabin for months, and I loved it. I enjoyed poking fun at him all the time - when he tripped over things he didn't see, or when his pranks failed miserably, or when he couldn't see the target well during archery and had to sit out.

It was hilarious.

"As much as you say you'll miss my poor eyesight, I know you'll love to have the real me back."

I rolled my eyes and walked away, saying over my shoulder, "I'm not so sure about that, Stoll."

I thrived during the day - with Travis out of the way that morning, Connor didn't touch the Demeter cabin. We were put to the back burner while the other cabins received the pranks we usually would've if Travis was involved.

But, of course, all good things had to come to an end. The gray sisters' taxi arrived at camp and I saw the back of Travis' head peek out. Groaning, I turned away and attempted to make myself busy. I prayed that he hadn't gotten a solution that day - maybe his prescription wasn't stocked in store and he'd have to wait, or maybe his eyes were still dilated and he couldn't see regardless of his glasses.

One could hope.

"Katie-kat!" His voice rang across the pavilion, where I'd rushed to avoid him. 

I ignored him.

"I can actually see you again," he declared, crushing my prayers. "And may I say, you looked better without my glasses."

I spun around to retort his stupid remark, but words escaped me as I took in the sight of the Stoll before me. 

Holy Hades.

The one thing I hadn't taken account of was that Travis looked hot as Tartarus in his new glasses. They were wayfarer frames that matched his face shape flawlessly. The black rims drew attention to his blue eyes, which was the nail in the smoking-hot coffin. His cheekbones peeked out from underneath the frame, and was it just me, or was his jawline more defined than before?

"As much as I appreciate you checking me out, Kates..." The movement of his lips made me snap out of it and realize I'd been starting at him. "I believe you were about to give me a sassy comeback?"

I shook myself and muttered a curse. "I... uh... You look dumb."

"That's all you've got?" Travis snorted. "Obviously a lie."

"No it's not!" I pouted, stomping my foot and trying desperately to forget the way he quirked his eyebrow at me. 

He grinned, making my heart flutter. "Whatever you say, Kates. I'll be in my cabin if you need to stare at me any longer."

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