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i drew this scene a while back, and i couldn't resist writing a shot based on it. dancing in the light of the refrigerator will always be one of my favorite cliches, in fanfic and in real life lol. so, enjoy this short fluff :D

words: 597

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The one place I could relax, where I didn't have to put on a face to present myself to people. The one place I felt at ease, where I could be nobody other than myself. The place that comforted me, the place that I loved.

And now, the place that Travis occupied as well.

"Home sweet home," my fiance said as he collapsed onto the couch.

I grinned and walked into the kitchen overlooking the living area of my - our - apartment. "It seems unreal, doesn't it?"

It was ten o'clock at night, and that morning, we'd moved Travis' things in. We'd decided to keep my apartment because it was right in between his college classes and my job at the flower shop. It all seemed too good to be true - I got to wake up every morning to Travis. I got to come home every night to Travis. 

It was all so right.

"Is it weird that I feel like we're having a sleepover?" he asked, standing up and trailing behind me in the kitchen as I washed the dishes from dinner. He hugged me from behind and put his head on my shoulder. "It's like I'm gonna be spending the night at my best friend's place."

"Except, it's gonna last a lot longer than one night," I said with a smile. 

"Can't wait for forever." He kissed me on the side of my neck before pushing away from me to open the fridge. 

"You're already hungry?" I laughed. "You're gonna eat us out of the house, aren't you?"

"Shut up," he teased, taking another step towards me.

I turned off the sink and dried off my hands. By the time I faced Travis, I noticed he was standing with his hand outstretched to me. 

I raised an eyebrow, but he just sent me a crooked smirk. 

"Wanna dance, Katie-kat?"

"Oh my gods," I rolled my eyes, "you're not serious."

"Have I ever not been serious?"

I shook my head and put my hands on my hips. "Yes, literally all the time."

His goofy grin made my heart flutter, even after having dated him for four years. Being engaged had added a new spark in both of us, one that ignited an even stronger love. 

It also ignited cheesiness in Travis.

"You do realize that's barf-worthy cliche, right?" I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my mouth as I crept towards him. 

"Oh, totally."

He took my hand and twirled me in a circle before drawing me close. The light from the refrigerator illuminated his face, residing mostly in the childish gleam in his eyes. I felt an arm press into my back, and the other one gripped my hand. I slung my other arm around his neck, my fingers grasping the fabric of his tee shirt.

We swayed back and forth, the hum of the fridge's compressor as our music. The steady ticking of the clock on the wall gave us a beat, and our slow-dancing found a rhythm. I rested my head on Travis' shoulder, and he set his chin on the top of my braids. 


"Kates?" Travis' voice vibrated through my skull, his jaw settled on my head.

I hummed in response and closed my eyes to savor the peaceful sense I was experiencing. 

"This is the best choice I've ever made," he whispered, running a hand down my spine. "You're the best choice I've ever made."

I sighed into his shirt and squeezed him in a hug. "I love you, Trav."

"I love you, too, Kates."


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