chapter 6

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Tony POV

I feel chill down my spine and my heart beats racing and my hands were shaking feels like my throat dry.
I tried to calm myself but I feel numb I couldn't move,while Nick and Aj stood froze with their mouth hang, although I  could feel that they're shaking in fear.

What I'ma suppose to do?

Though we need to get out here,my adrenaline push me to fight the mummy monster but my anxiety made me stupid i just remained silent here.

Brain think clearly..

The mummy girl walked to us,and her eyes travelled on me then to Nick and Aj— Gauze shrouded to her body except her face and wait! her skin were gray mix with brown and her teeth.

Ew!look at those teeth!

I wonder what was the last time she brush her teeth? there any toothbrush or toothpaste in the house? Who's was she kidding me,she needs a million toothpaste for that gross teeth, Well,Shoot not even the toothpaste she also needed dentist appointment for her gross teeth!

Ew..I feel nauseous by seeing this mummy girl.

She look at me that kind of hungry. I swear if she came closer any second,I'll collapse cause I can't bear to see her especially with those gross teeth.

"Huh...umm."  she sniffed and sounds like she's really want to eat me now.

My adrenaline pushing me to do something,But I couldn't comprehend what it was. Then she moved her head slowly walking to me like she's ready to eat me.

"Wait!" I spoke

Thus,She moved her head up and down, glaring at me with confused face.

"I'll tell you can't eat me—I'm all non appetizing stuff,Though,I'm not very good in eating you know!" I said with a high pitch tone.

She furrowed her gray eyebrows,Yet, she's still look hungry, in fact,she look starving.

"Look,you can't eat me I have bad gas—if you eat me I'll stuck in your teeth!"  I spoke with a serious tone trying my self not to look nervous, I don't want to show her that I'm scared. Luckily I still have my bag so I grabbed my lotion.

"See,you can't eat me this cream is dangerous, Once you eat me you'll regret it." I said while putting the lotion on my skin.

I know I'm being stupid dumbass for this,But I'm still hoping that I can stop her from for eating us. I wish i could find a way to escape from this gross mummy girl. Neverthless,the pleasant smell of the lotion spread through the air. Thus,she started to crunch her nose, then she stepped back. It seems like she's allergic to this kind of smell.

Wow that's really nice! Now, what's next? I wacthed the mummy girl stepping back away from me. Yet,I could still heard my ribcage begging me to get out as soon as possible.However,my eyes grew bigger once she turned on Nick
Therefore,he began to feel frightened as he trembled in fear slowly shooking his head.

I cleared my throat.

"Wait,You can't eat him!! "I said with a high voice.

Thus,She turned on me that kind of angry look then she roar on me.

"Listen,you fool,you can't also eat him,see his hair it's yellow, He is poisonus one you know." I continued,

The mummy girl stood in front of him as she continued studying him.

"You'll see, yellow hair is poisonus! "

Non of us say any words as the mummy girl scanning him, Like a fresh meat. After few she stepped back. Thus, Nick sighed in relief. I wiped my sweat to my forhead once the mummy girl didn't approach him, I thought she's going to leave yet,I almost choke when she turned on Aj and look at him that kind of starving. So, He started to panicked.

Damn! I don't know what to do though I couldn't think of anything to convince this one. Nevermind.

She still looking at Aj scanning like a piece of meat.

"Wait, you can't eat him too!" I spoke.

Thus,the mummy girl turn her head to me with angry face heck, I couldn't bear to see her gross teeth.

"Y-you can't eat him, He's not very good in eating, But you can use him to be your toothpick don't be such a pig." I grin stupidly.

This time Aj looked at me with horror face,thus I'm not scared with the mummy girl but the face of Aj made me scared.

"Look, he's scrawny one if you eat him you can't find any fats or flesh only his poisonus bone, Just use him to pick some stuck flesh on your teeth." I continue.

At once Aj and the mummy girl glaring at me and their eyes look like a dagger that any second they're gonna stab me. Yet,I kept my eyes on the mummy secretly reaching the sword behind me. This time she look extremely piss off as she roared on me, But before she could eat me or hurt me. I already reached the sword and hit her head.

"Oh,nice shot Tony!"Nick giggled.

"Find some weapon guys!"I demand.

He pick the baseball bat and Aj get the pan while mummy girl still manage to  stood  she was about attack me when I abrutly stab her causing her growled in pain.

"Run!" I scream pulling out the sword,

At once we run out of the room leaving the mummy girl growling in pain till she breath her last. We run with a high speed while holding our weapons,Although, we don't have any idea we're do we go.

When we step the stairs we rush to climb while we're in the middle of running through the spiral staircase the  whole house suddenlly shake causing us to fall.

"WOAHH!!" We scream in unison and we are all fall into the darkness. The whole world seems spinning wildly we kept on screaming as we brutally drop on the floor.

"Ow!!"Aj groan.

"Damn, that's really hurts." I cursed trying to balance myself. My whole body hurts. I stumble dizzily and when I can manage my balance. I spun around and I saw Nick is lying on his stomach while Aj still lying on his back— groaning in pain. So I approach them.

"Come on," I said to Aj as I offer my hand to help him to stand up. Yet,he gave me a death glare.

"I dunno, if i will thank you after what you said to that damn mummy girl!" He said annoyingly.

"Well, at least that mummy girl didn't eat you."Nick suddenly spoke, he's still lying on his stomach with his face on the floor.

I just smile sheepishly to Aj.

"Come on, just get off your ass there. So that we can find them." I said to him. He sighed then he took my hand and I help him to rose from the floor.

"Guys, could you also help me." Nick said with a low voice.

Thus,Aj approach him and he help him to get up. While me I just roamed my eyes through the darkness.

"Where are we?" I murmured as I studied the whole room.

I noticed that there were few of torches few feet away from us and there's also some wooden cross and some sort of casket. I blink again yet, my heart dropped to my as the realization dawned on me. We're in the tombstone.

I could feel my palm sweating so bad and my mouth dry. My pulse and my heart hammering against my flesh.I slowly look to those coffin occoupied the rest of the room. Moreover, I jump in shock as the torches lighting the whole room. My breath caught as I stood froze while Nick tightened his grip on Aj.

This room is huge there's a dusty red carpet on the middle of the room,
plus ancient statue shrouded the corner and it makes me frightened.

I kept my eyes on the dusty carpet and my eyes grew bigger when I realized It's a red carpet to a coffin.

I jolt as I stepped back—whipping my eyes only to see that we're sorrounded by severals of coffins, Followed by portrait on the wall and what makes me freak is they look so alive! As soon we screamed in horror once we heard something inside of the coffin.

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