I wake up slightly refreshed and slightly afraid, knowing that today I’ll be ending my day with Richard, only today he’s Professor Williams. I get through Calculus III and Chemistry barely thinking of what’s to come, however on the break in between and on the way to the class my mind comes up with one million ways this class could go down, from him standing on the desks and professing his love for me in front of the class, to him being swat teamed down and swept away the moment he looks at me and someone realizes he stared a second too long. My mind was in knots and my heart was stretched out and wrapped around my stomach.
I make it into the class and head straight for the back, there a no assigned seats but I want to remain of the 10 students in the last row.
I open My class on the IPad and what’s displayed on the front board is now replicated on my screen. “ Forensics Work 1 , Graded. Project Code: F6T4870” I’ve noticed that all of our work so far began with F6T . I complete the work after about 10 minutes, and two minutes later Towers and Richard walk in together both smiling, deep in conversation. They both put on their headsets that project their voices from the speakers in the room.
“Good Morning everyone.” I noticed that no matter what time of day it was, It was always morning to professor Towers.
“Good evening.” I said along with the rest of the class, although they repeated morning back to him.
“How was everyones first week here at Kaymen?”
A Mixed array of mumbled responses filled the room.
“Alrighty guys I am going to get into instruction after I tell you a few things about your IPads and how they can be used, obviously you know how to log in to your class, you’re taking your own attendance the moment you do. You know how to get to your assignments. Now go to our class home page.” I assume most of us do as instructed.
“The three speech bubbles in the right corner are how you will communicate with Mr. Williams and I. Red means urgent, Green means Private, White means open. If you sent an urgent question, a bell will go off in my headset, if you send an open message, everyone will be able to see it but not who it’s from, when I answer it goes to everyone just in case someone has the same question. Private should really only be used during testing.” He continued about the question bubbles, and about how everything is stored by day class and month and we can always find the answer to all questions. And jumped into instruction, after a while he let Richard speak, suddenly I was more interested, and so was every other female in the class.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, last class we had you all scan your finger prints, yeah? This is like a little intermission for us.” His voice boomed over the class. “As professor towers here was saying Patent finger prints are visible to the naked eye” His eyes scan the classroom. “You’ll see 6 finger prints along your screens, your job is to match one of the five at the bottom to the one at the top. That is phase one, it will not be easy because technology made it easy for us to give to most give you a list of the most similar prints in the class, you will get a picture of who your finger print belongs to. Phase two is to take the a small bag from the end of your tables and find that person, match there print with the scanner attachment and collect a strand of hair write their name on the bag and trade it with someone who is not them.” He made eye contact with me for the first time since the class started. One. Two. three. Three seconds was all I got, no emotion at all and he was back to instruction. “After you trade go back to where you were seated and another intermission will be had at another point in time with further instruction, please, hold on to these bags.”
The class was surprisingly interesting, I had a finger print of a girl named Maria Sanchez, who enjoyed the class almost a little too much. And a guy named Devin, whose last name I forgot had mine, he seemed to be taking the class just because, no interest whatsoever.
I check my phone as I walk into my apartment.
‘Hello love, how was class?’ I smile to myself.
‘Still not okay to talk about.’
‘Nothings changing anytime soon, I’ll always want to know about your day, you’ll have to tell me at some point.’
‘That point isn’t now.’
‘Alright, my love. I want ask if you work tonight but I look forward to stopping in and unexpectedly seeing you.’
‘Well then, I guess you’re gonna find out on your own(:‘
“Oh My goodness, Ryon?” Tristen says awkwardly. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever, you’re at work, at school or in you room doing homework.” I laugh, four days of college and I haven’t seen much of her either.
“Well, I’m free right now.” I smile.
“Oh good” she grabs my hand and her keys and pulls me out of the apartment.
I follow her to her car. And she opens my door for me.
“Where are we going?”
“Food.”She closes my door and jumps into the drivers seat.
Tristen and I spend the rest of our day eating, shopping and learning more about each other. She’s single and works at a hair salon but also takes the time to be an inexpensive personal trainer. Part of me feels bad for still being attracted to her, even with the Richard situation, but another part of me is more interested the more I learn.
“I work there.”, I say as she drives past the coffee shop.
“Martins, where overpriced coffee and sexy waitresses are guaranteed.” Her voice mimics an infomercial almost perfect.
“Okay that was really good.” She laughs.
Her hair is in a messy bun on top of her her head, he has a gold nose piercing and I can’t see her septum. Her glasses sit perfectly on the bridge of her nose. She is beautiful in all stages.
“I feel you staring at me.” Her hand reaches over and she gently nudges my thigh and lets her hand linger before returning it back to the wheel.

RomanceRyon Carter is a young, beautiful and well protected 18 year old freshman at John Kaymen University, Graduating from a charter high school at the Top of her class a she is one of the most promising students Kaymen Has ever seen. After living a life...