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[unknown] hey babe, hows it going?

[me] uhm
excuse you
we're not dating?

[unknown] can that change?

[me] depends
if ya tell me who ya are

[unknown] ill give you a hint
i have black hair

[me] great hint -_-
so do a lot of other people i know
i have a question

[unknown] shoot

[me] do you go to my school or are you just a stalker??

[unknown] now now
does it really matter?
i already gave you a hint today

[me] today?

[unknown] ill make a deal with you
if you tell me how you feel about whoever i ask about then ill give you a hint everyday

[me] sweet!! ill be able to guess who ya are now, believe it!!

[unknown] oh i believe it
i believe youll try
and fail

[me] thats not very nice :'(

[unknown] what if im not a very nice person?

[me] sasuke?

[unknown] whos sasuke?

[me] nevermind then

[unknown] i have.. important things to do

[me] again?

[unknown] yeah
bye babe~

[me] -_-

-name succesfully changed-

[me] bye~ XDD

[baby bitch] whatd you do??
what did you do.

[me] gotta go~
bye bye baby bitch~

[baby bitch] NARUTO

(how was that yall? XDD ok so for those of yall that might be a bit slow, the deal that sasuke made with naruto was if he told naruto a hint about who he was everyday, naruto would have to tell him how he felt about someone- i hope that makes sense ;w; bye all~ see ya tomorrow uwu)

258 words

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