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[me] heyyyy

[sexy bastard] look whos shooting the first text~
im proud :')

[me] thanks ;P
so how was your day??

[sexy bastard] im so happy that you care :')

[me] of cOuRsE i care silly

[sexy bastard] awww
youre too cuuute

[me] nuh uh -///-
how was your day?

[sexy bastard] it was.. interesting

[me] whys that???

[sexy bastard] you looked at me a lot today ♡

[me] dammit
now i wish i payed attention to my life ╥﹏╥

[sexy bastard] we had a nice conversation too ♡

[me] d a m m i t
why dont i pay attentioonnnn

[sexy bastard] maybe next time cutie ;P

[ne] ;w;

[sexy bastard] oh something that made my day bad interesting was that i watched hinata flirt with you
it made my blood boil
i wanted to run over there and

[me] and?

[sexy bastard] dont worry about it sweetheart

[me] oki ;w;

[sexy bastard] so how was your day?

[me] it was great
i got to see iruka and kakashi~sensei make out in the teachers lounge hehe
and i talked to you at some point
i wanna see your face and know its you

[sexy bastard] im..
im not sure youd like what youd see

[me] im the kinda guy that goes for personality not looks
its just a plus if theyre cute
or in your case

[sexy bastard] ?

[me] sexyyyy~

[sexy bastard] you flatter me too muchhh
you adorable little cinnamon rolllll

[me] uwu
can i have my hint??

[sexy bastard] of course baby
what do you think offffff

[me] meh
hes kinda cool
but hes "such a drag" dontcha think XDD

[sexy bastard] nice one lmao
now for your hint

[me] yayayay

[sexy bastard] i wear black all the time

[me] are you sure youre not sasuke lmfao

[sexy bastard] sasuke? that guys pretty hot

[me] :'0
are you cheating on me with sasuke :'(

[sexy bastard] i wouldnt say that

[me] so youre close friends??

[sexy bastard] did you say "cheating on me"?? have you finally decided to date me????

[me] lets just say
the chances are high if i found out who you were~

[sexy bastard] that makes me want to tell you right now

[me] but?

[sexy bastard] i cant
you wouldnt accept who i was

[me] aw
i would

[sexy bastard] you dont know that for sure :'(

[me] its ok.. tell me when youre ready :')

[sexy bastard] thanks for understanding

[me] nooo problemmm

[sexy bastard] soo

[me] im about to hafta help iruka cook again

[sexy bastard] kakashi~sensei's coming over to yours again?

[me] ye
im staying the night at sasuke's cuz theyre planning on having their "parental fun times" if ya know what i mean ;)

[sexy bastard] youre going to sasuke's??

[me] mhm! i could think that guy has a crush on me from the way he acts lol
dont worry about him too much tho

[sexy bastard] ohhh wow

[me] ok gotta go help cook
love ya <3

[sexy bastard] "love ya <3"?

[me] yeah?

[sexy bastard] who are the other 3 naruto?

[me] huh
oh my god XDDD

[sexy bastard] who are they naruto? who are the other 3?

[me] i gotta go lmfao

[sexy bastard] naru wait
tell me

[sexy bastard] nvm then -_-
i love you ♡

(we gettin some progress now bois XDD see yall tomorrow where youll find out the spicy details of their sleepover~~)

572 words

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