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smut warning

[me] can i head over to yours or is itachi still there

[sasuke ♡] i killed itachi remember lmao
you can head over anytime baby~

[me] i hafta help iruka set the mood for when kakashi~sensei comes over -3-
after that im headin over

[sasuke ♡] wait
iruka~sensei's actually asking for help to set the mood???

[me] ya
he knows i know theyre fucking
he embraces the opportunity to get help out of it XDD

[sasuke ♡] damn
thats actually kinda smart
wtf lmao

[me] ikr!!
i gotta go but ill text you when im omw
til then~

[sasuke ♡] see you later babe~

-two hours later-

[me] whew
finally done
iruka and me are about to hop in the car and head over
see ya soon~~

[sasuke ♡] looking forward to it~

-ten minutes later-

[me] aye teme
im here
lemme iiiiinn

[sasuke ♡] yeah yeah
im walking to the door rn dobe -v-

[me] mk~

as sasuke reached the door, i felt my legs grow weak.

'am i really doing this?' i thought, contemplating whether i should just leave or not.

'no, im doing this! believe it!'

"uh dobe? hellooo?"

i was so caught up in thought i hadnt heard sasuke come to the door. when i snapped out of it, i jumped back, startled.

"o-oh hey teme!" i said, catching my breath. he chuckled and moved over to let me inside. i waved to iruka as i walked in, dropping my bag by the door. as soon as the door was closed and locked, it began.

sasuke pinned me against the wall, kissing me passionately. i kissed back, grabbing his face and pulling it closer to mine. as things progressed, he grabbed my ass and i let out a squeak into the kiss. he pulled away slightly, chuckling and telling me how adorable i was. he then proceeded to grab my hand, leading me to his bedroom. as we got there, i flung myself onto the bed, loving the scent of sasuke that was getting increasingly stronger.

he got up on the bed and grabbed both my wrists with one hand, pinning them above my head. he looked down at me, eyes clouded with lust, and asked if i was sure.

"s-sure about what?"

i asked, trying to contain myself- willing myself to not get hard yet- i was failing.

'cmon naruto you're not weak youre not-'

"are you sure you.. want to continue? if you say no, i understand, but if you say yes," he got a mischievous look in his eye, "theres no going back."

i nodded understandingly and said, "i want to continue. please sasuke, fuck me so hard i wont get up tomorrow~"

he looked surprised, but that was quickly clouded over by that same look of lust as before.

he started off slowly, teasing me. he licked and sucked at my neck, trying to find my sweet spot. once he found it, i let out a breathy moan, making him aware of his findings. he abused that spot, licking, sucking, even biting it, and all the while i was a moaning mess. i tried containing my moans by biting my lip as he continued, but he suddenly stopped, looked up at me, and said in a low voice i thought was sexy, "naruto. dont try hiding your moans from me. no one is here except us and i want to hear your cute voice~"

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