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[sexy bastard] hey hey

[me] uhm.. hi?
do you know where sakura was today? she wasnt in any of my classes

[sexy bastard] dunno

[me] oh ok

[sexy bastard] how was your day?

[me] not too great
kakashi~sensei sent me to the principal's office and iruka grounded me -_-
im not supposed to be on my phone rn lol

[sexy bastard] why did iruka~sensei ground you??

[me] hes my adoptive father

[sexy bastard] ohh
that makes a lot of sense actually

[me] yeah
he was really upset cuz i was mouthing off to kakashi~sensei -3-

[sexy bastard] why specifically kakashi~sensei?

[me] theyre dating lmao
cute couple, id say

[sexy bastard] aww
we could be a cute couple too you know

[me] like i said yesterday
maaayyybbee if i knew who you are..

[sexy bastard] you want your hint now, right?

[me] yeeaahh

[sexy bastard] -.-
first your question

[me] mk

[sexy bastard] what do you think of hinata?

[me] meh
shes cool i guess
she has a h u g e crush on me but i dont feel the same
shes not even that close of a friend lol

[sexy bastard] ah
good to know

[me] soooooOo
do you go to my school or nah??

[sexy bastard] *sigh*
do i really have to tell you?

[me] mhmm

[sexy bastard] fine
i do

[me] ohh interesting~

[sexy bastard] what are you thinking -_-

[me] noootthhiiinnggg

[sexy bastard] suuure

[me] hehe
i gotta go
iruka needs help making dinner cuz kakashi~sensei's coming over later -3-

[sexy bastard] ok
bye baby
i love you

[me] bye
i know ya do

[sexy bastard] who do you hope i am?

[me] noonebye

[sexy bastard] naruuuu

[me] noigottahelpcookimabouttogetcaughtbye

[sexy bastard] hn
ok naru
byeee~ ♡

(uwuwuwuwuwuwu see yall tomorrow uwuwuwuwuwuwu)

303 words

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