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[me] be honest
were you lying ;-;

[♡] isnt "maybe, maybe not" honest enough?

[me] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
thats true but
i really wanna know who you are ;--;

[♡] i know
but im 100% sure you wouldn't like who i was
we shouldnt be texting in class
its 4th period
you have guy~sensei for 4th right?

[me] yeah

[♡] yikes
he'll swoop in and snatch your phone in the blink of an eye if youre not careful
happened to me once

[me] sucks for you ;P
byyeee babyyy~

[♡] oh shit
now im scared
ttyl tho..

-during lunch-

[me] do i have you in anything other than homeroom and 3rd

[♡] do you want that to be your hint?

[me] hm
but plz be honest

[♡] *sigh*
you do

[me] oh good hehe

[♡] ooookkkkkk?
what do you think of lee?

[me] i think that he deserves sakuras heart

[♡] so youre friends?

[me] yup

[♡] nice

-during 5th period-

[me] hey

-during 6th period-

[me] hEy

-during 7th period-

[me] h e y

-after school-

[♡] i see what you were tryna do
good thing my phone was on silent hehe

[me] ;-;
my plans never work

[♡] youll know who i am one day baby

[me] can that day be today?

[♡] nope

[me] ;w;

[♡] gotta make dinner

[me] i was about to say the same thing lmao

[♡] i gotta cook for this one dumbass who lives with me because theyre useless lmfao

[me] i gotta help iruka cuz kakashi~sensei's coming over

[♡] oof
bye baby
i love you ♡

[me] bye
love you too <3

(;) see yall tomorrow~ (as usual lmfao))

272 words

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