valentine's special

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"come on naruto, get your ass up!" sasuke groaned as he tried to wake up a sleeping naruto.

"hmmm.. fiive more minutes daddd.." naruto said, half asleep. sasuke huffed and walked away, getting to the doorway of their bedroom before saying, "if you don't get up, you don't get cuddles today."

naruto sat up quickly, desperately trying to wipe the sleep out of his eyes.

"i'm up, i'm up! i'll be fully awake in.. three seconds! believe it!" he slapped his face a few times in a failing attempt to wake himself before sasuke walked over and sat on his lap, pinning his hands to the wall.

"stop that. i don't want you hurt, especially on valentine's day- i have plans. got it?" he said, leaning towards the blond's slightly flushed face and smirking. naruto nodded, gulping.

"g-got it!" he said, smiling nervously. sasuke smiled sweetly and got up, swaying his hips seductively the whole time he was walking to the door. naruto caught himself drooling and scolded himself.

"no, no, no! bad, bad naruto! it's only-" he checked the clock, "-ten a.m.! you can't think these things so early!!" he huffed at himself as he got out of bed, getting dressed and doing his morning routine so he could get ready for the day.

as the blond made his way towards the kitchen to get some ramen, he heard two voices from another room. he tiptoed over to where the noises were and tried his best to listen in.

"somewhere special"


"yes, there"


"mm yeah, good"

"thanks sasu"

naruto felt slightly offended as he heard bits and pieces of the conversation, but ignored it and continued eavesdropping.

"ready to move?"



"ahh yes"


naruto had heard enough. he didn't know who the other person was, but he was sure one of them was sasuke.

'how could he? and on valentine's day too? bastard' he thought as he huffed and stared at the door a second longer, hoping to hear something that would prove his theory wrong.

. . .

nothing. he heard absolutely nothing. no talking, no breathing, no nothing. he heard absolutely and utterly nothing- that's what he'd like to think, at least. he did, in fact, hear something. something he never thought he'd hear outside of the bedroom- more specifically, a bedroom with him and sasuke inside. he had heard a moan. a loud, low, masculine moan. but it wasn't just any moan, oh no. it was sasuke's moan. naruto was absolutely sure it was sasuke's- he knew his moans and groans like he knew his voice! naruto didn't stay in time to hear the end of whatever was going down in there as he ran down the hall and flopped onto the bed, where he proceeded to start crying loudly.

"t-that... that ab-absolute.. bastard! that fucking bitch! this... this is insane!" naruto yelled, feeling the undoubtable fiery sensation of rage rather than the sting of sadness he had felt moments before. he had only one solution- hide. if he was left hiding longer than two hours, he'd know sasuke's choice. he ran to the large walk-in closet and uncomfortably went back in. he went as far back as he could and hid behind clothes.

"heh, this is the perfect test!" he whispered, smirking as he began the long wait.

-with sasuke-

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