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[sexy bastard] naruto

[me] there we go XDD

[sexy bastard] aww
my sweet baby~

[me] -///-

[sexy bastard] ok

[me] so?

[sexy bastard] can we get our little daily thing over with rn so i can hear the details about your time at sasuke's?

[me] shore
i have a quick question tho

[sexy bastard] ?

[me] hol up

[sexy bastard] ok..?

-name succesfully changed-

[me] there we go
as for my question

[♡] whatd you change my name to?

[me] later

[♡] "later"? -_-

[me] no ill tell u later

[♡] oh ok
so your question is?

[me] why didnt you answer when i tried to text ya at sasuke's?
he was asleep and i was bored :'(

[♡] oh uh
i was doing hw

[me] you got weekend homework??

[♡] mhm
trig hw

[me] ohh
so youre smart huh?

[♡] yep
thats your hint for the day lmao

[me] wha- nooo
thats not faaaiiirrr

[♡] all's fair in love and war babe hehe

[me] ;-;

[♡] anywayyy
what do you think of ino?

[me] shes.. interesting
shes in love with sasuke
so i kiiinda dont like her
at all

[♡] you dont like her bc she loves sasuke orrr..?

[me] take it how ya want uwu

[♡] -3-
ok so gimme all the spicy details

[me] ok
but no interruptions
im tellin how the entire night went
start to finish
got me?

[♡] mhm
go ahead

[me] ok so here's how it went..

i arrived at sasuke's a little late due to iruka and kakashi~sensei making out... again. i walked inside the uchiha mansion, looking around.

'wow. its been a while since ive been here' i thought.

itachi, sasuke's older brother, came from around a corner and greeted me.

"hello, naruto."

i smiled at him.

"hey itachi!"

his lips quirked upward slightly as he spoke.

"looking for sasuke, i presume?"

i talked in a terrible fake british accent.

"indeed my good sir."

he chuckled, motioning for me to follow him. i complied, eventually making it to sasuke's room. itachi walked away (not before smirking at me) and left me alone at sasuke's door. i knocked, soon after being greeted by sasuke.

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