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[me] well?
why arent you jealous of sasuke?

[♡] are you saying i should be?

[me] no
what i am saying is if youre so jealous of itachi for just s m i r k i n g at me, why arent you jealous of sasuke? i mean.. not to stir the pot but we did a lot together..

[♡] ...

[me] youre sasuke arent you

[♡] no
im not jealous because he and i have a deal

[me] youre not one of his stupid fangirls are you?

[♡] no im not
theyre all hoes

[me] very true
what kind of "deal" do you have with sasuke?

[♡] he wont make a move if i wont

[me] but youve already made a move
so does that mean he can?

[♡] oh honey no
if i made a move you'd know it
if i made a move i woulda already gotten laid

[me] ha
yeah right -3-

[♡] hn

[me] sorry for gettin so suspicious.. i just really wanna know who ya are is all
forgive me?

[♡] of course baby
ill always forgive you

[me] ok owo

[♡] cute

[me] no u

[♡] no im sexy
get it right

[me] hey..
i have a really important question..

[♡] ok?

[me] if i send a pic of me will you send a pic of you?

[♡] possibly

[me] sweet
here goes nothin..

[me] sweethere goes nothin

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-♡ took a screenshot-

[♡] god
youre so fucking cute
that pic makes me wanna just
go to your house and fuck you right now

[me] i mean
at least id be able to know who you are

[♡] one day that beautiful neck of yours will be covered in hickeys because of me
just for that adorable pic
ill send nudes

[me] uhm



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