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[me] i

[sasuke ♡] well?

[me] i
love you too

[sasuke ♡] hn?
nows not the time to be playing tricks dobe..

[me] i-im not playing tricks! i love you, believe it!!

[sasuke ♡] so youre saying you
naruto unzamaki
the one and only most important person in my life
love me back?

[me] i said it didnt i?

[sasuke ♡] i
i do have a question tho..

[me] hm?

[sasuke ♡] just for old times sake
what do you think of sasuke uchiha, the sexiest man alive

[me] hmm
i think that hes hot, sexy, cute, amazing, and the love of my life?

[sasuke ♡] you still flatter me too much baby

[me] can i have my hint now~?

[sasuke ♡] mhm
my house
10 pm
you can have youre hint baby

[me] swEEt

[sasuke ♡] watch out for itachi tho
he'll be home tonight i think
that damn useless leechy bum
oh nvm
he cant make it

[me] whatd you do?

[sasuke ♡] oh nothing~
just taught him a lesson~

[me] are you cheating on me with your own brother ;-;

[sasuke ♡] no
i killed him
see ya at 10~

[me] uh
i mean
see ya at 10 0_0

[sasuke ♡] i love you~

[me] uhm
i love you too
bye 0~0

(yup, its the end :') i might write smut if i feeeeeel like it but idk cuz break just ended sooo yeah.. bye all~)

237 words

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