Three Days Changed Me

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Eight Years Before Present Day

A ten year old (Y/N) (L/N), he was a relatively normal kid. (Y/N) was currently on a school science excursion at the city's science museum for is fourth grade class. They were currently sat at the "Ores and Minerals" section of the museum.

Tour Guide: Now these white rocks are called Quartz. The are used in many electronics that you guys use, like wristwatches.

(Y/N) couldn't be more bored than he already was at the what tour guide was saying, (Y/N) did try to pay attention. But as the words slowly turned into complete gibberish to (Y/N), he gave up and began to look the other rocks that were displayed near by.

(Y/N)'s eyes seemed to be magnetised to some whitish pink rocks being displayed on the other side of the room. Curiosity got the better of (Y/N) and he began to slowly walk towards the unknown rocks. As he got closer he could see the engraved label that was placed above the rock displayed, it read "Magnesium".

(Y/N): Mag-sneeze-eye-um?

(Y/N)'s mispronunciation of the word "Magnesium" gave himself a quick laugh. (Y/N) looked back to the rocks he now knew as Mag-sneeze-eye-um. Something about the rocks just seemed to be drawing him in. Making him lose consciousness for a split second. He quickly zoned back into reality.

(Y/N) looked to the side of the display table to see the drawer staff use to place the rocks inside the display. (Y/N) also noticed that it was open by a crack. He had a pull at it to see if it would see if it would open, to his surprise it did. He reached into the drawer and randomly grabbed one of the Magnesium rocks and brought it up to his eye level to get a better look at the rock.

Light from the florescent lights on the ceiling reflected off the magnesium that (Y/N) was holding on to and bounced into his eyes with a pinkish colour. (Y/N) reacted to the light by dropping the rock and stepping back from it's landing location. He shuttered from the light and had to blink multiple times before his vision felt normal again.

(Y/N): What the..?

(Y/N) looked back at the rock and picked it up again, keeping it away from his face this time. While taking a second look at the magnesium rock a white line formed from the rock and stop slight up and to the left of the rock. Above the line was the word "Magnesium" in white text. Below the line was a description of Magnesium with a pronunciation of it. (Y/N)'s eyes darted to the pronunciation of Magnesium first as it looked the weirdest to him, he tried to say the mixture of letters and punctuation aloud.

(Y/N): Magnesium?

Teacher: (Y/N)! Get back here!

(Y/N) dropped the magnesium rock for a second time, the description disappeared and (Y/N) started to sprint back to his class.

(Y/N): Sorry!

That was the first of three days where (Y/N)'s life changed.


Two Years before Present Day

For the past six years, this power (Y/N) discovered had been nothing more than an annoyance. It would occasionally show (Y/N) numbers and words that wouldn't make complete sense to him. A common example of this is whenever he eats breakfast, it would show  whatever the name of the breakfast was called, followed by words like "Poaceae Grains" that he would never hear or see of outside of his power. 

(Y/N) had gone to a doctor, who diagnosed him with Experimentally-Induced Hallucinations.  However, the doctor was surprised when (Y/N) told him that he couldn't shake the feeling of that the hallucinations seemed related to reality. Though, (Y/N) had yet to find out why he thought that.

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