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"A little reminder Kim Jisoo, for now you're not even existed,"

Those words keep repeating inside her head. She couldn't sleep even it's almost pass midnight. She look to the side of the bed, it was empty. He was nowhere to be found inside the room.

She look at the door blankly before burst out crying and started sobbing, "Jiyoon-ah why do you always make it hard for me?," she said as if Jiyoon was there. "Why do always make me as you? When will all this stop?," she continue sobbing her heart out. "I'm tired being you,".

A head show up from beside the bed, it was Yoongi. He looked at her with a confused look, "who are you talking to?," he asked as he tried to adjust his eyes because he was awake by her voice.

He was sleeping on the floor? She thought for awhile but still she cant stop her tears. "Are you crying?," he asked and went up to the bed right next to her.

"No," she denied. Just looking at her state, it make his urge to take her into his embrace, because he felt her pain. Jisoo hide her face with her palm because she realise that Yoongi has been staring at her for too long, "Don't look at me.. ," she continue crying.

He sighed before decided to hug her despite whatever has happened between them, "I'm sorry ," he said out of the blue and rub her back with his palm. He just felt like to said it so she'll feel better.

"I'm so sorry,". His sudden apologies make her burried her face into his chest, it's make her overwhelmed. "I should have just said no when mom told me to replace her,".

Yoongi was shocked but he's not seems to be surprised by it, because she told him earlier that she was doing this on her own will. "So you lied about it was your own act?," he asked in a calm tone.

"Yes..," she cried. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry that I've ruined your dream to be with Jiyoon," she said.

"So, you know the reason why she left me?,". She stopped crying and nodded. "Does it because she was mad at me?,".

Jisoo look away, and bite her lower lips, hesitation taking her inside. "You don't have to know. We've hurt you enough,". Yoongi smirked, "Didn't we hurt you too?," he asked. She went blank for awhile. "Who?,"

"Your mom, Jiyoon and I?,"

"It's not as a same thing as we lied to you," she said. "Come on.. just tell me the reason why she left me on our wedding so I can get rid of this feeling,".

"Feeling? Does it mean you're trying to move on from my sister?,"

"Not really, just the feeling guilty that i felt for her," he said. "I thought she ran away because she mad at me. So, tell me..," he almost begged.

"You know Jiyoon wouldn't do the thing she don't like. She left the wedding because she don't love you more than just a brother," said Jisoo.

"But we've been together for 5 years and that's doesn't mean anything to her?," he asked in disbelief. She hold his hand tightly, because she can sense he was about to cry. "Your eyes are teary," she said.

He scoffed.

"It's your fault because you make me cried too," he said with a crack laugh but ended crying. "Don't cry, you said you're a man, remember?," she joked to calm him down and wiped his tears away with her thumbs, "A man can cry too you know, just like women, we have this term called feeling," he said while smiling bitterly. Their eyes met and Jisoo was smiling at him, it was genuine. For once, it make him feel relief and euphoric upon staring at her.

"Friend?," he let out his hand for a handshake which make her rose a bigger smile on her lips.



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