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She leaned against her seat once they were inside the car. "How's your first day as the COO?," he asked her with a smirks on his lips. "It's killing me.. but thank God, Lisa is an expert," she said.

"Yeah, I'm glad she can help you managed today's task. You didn't skip your lunch earlier don't you?," he asked. "Of course not.. The lunch time was like the highlight of today," she sat properly as she remembered something. "Where were you at lunch time? I went to your office but I don't see you and either Jaemin,".

"We went out somewhere, meeting a client," he said. "Meeting a client at lunch time?,". "Well, ma'am. Time is money and money needs hard work,". She rolled her eyes upon heard him saying those words.

"I can't believe you dragged Jaemin with you," she murmured but he heard her clearly. "Talking about Jaemin, Are you planning to seduce my little cousin?,".

"Yeah, I'm planning my future with Jaemin. We were just 5 years apart anyway. He'll be the perfect husband for sure," she said while her eyes sparkling. "Are you even serious right now?," he sounds a little grossed.

"Huh, you dummy. Do you think I was serious? Yeah he's good looking and overly perfect but in my eyes he's a baby. I'll protect him with all cost,". Yoongi nodded as he was trying to hide his smile. "What did you said to him until he was so happy earlier?,"

"He was?" she asked. "Yeah, it's barely for me to see him like that,". She sighed, "Yoongi-ah, do you know that Jaemin want to be a doctor?,". Yoongi glanced at her and nodded a little, "I heard it from his mom the other day. Why?,"

"I can feel him," she said while eyes on Yoongi. "I can feel how he felt about it. It was the exact same thing happened to me when I was around his age. My dad force me to take business and so does Jiyoon.. but unfortunately Jiyoon was the one who in love with business and managing while me? I'm not into it,". Yoongi nodded his head, "So, how did you get your dad permission about taking medic?," he asked.

"There's one time on a family dinner, Jiyoon got asthma attack and my parent were so panic at that moment. Then, I was the one who help her out. My dad saw my potential so, he let me to choose my own path. It's not that easy to convinced him though,".

"So, what's the relation between yours and Jaemin?,".

"The similarity my situation and Jaemin is both of us have someone who against of something we'd love to do," she lowered her hand, "I can see myself in him. He's a happy go lucky and a caring person.  You don't want to ruin the boy's dream, don't you?," .

"I don't know. I never had a deep conversation with him," he said. "Well, I'm glad I met him,". She's talking about my cousin while shouldn't she be glad that she met me?. "Yeah. whatever. Let's eat dinner somewhere. Do you have anything in mind?,".

"Hm..let's just go to the Mc'Donald drive through because I'm too tired to stand up,". He chuckled as he found it's funny, "Funny, I was the one who went out almost a day, while you've spent the rest of your time at the office. Shouldn't I was the one who supposed to complained?,".

"Shut up. You had no ideas how much pain my brain been through reading all those words and numbers and files.. bla bla,".. She hissed, "Oh God, just talking about it make me want to throw up,".

"You know Jisoo, you're the first drama queen doctor I've met in my entire life,". She blinked her eyes twice, "Is that a compliment?,"

"Do you think it's a compliment?,".

" I take that as a compliment," she said before closed her eyes.  "If we arrived at the drive through, I just want a double cheese burger," she said, half asleep.

He scoffed. "Okay..your highness,".


Yoongi parked the car inside the garage as soon as they reach the house. "Jisoo, Yah.. Kim Jisoo wake up. We're home," he said while take off his seatbelt and took the food from the backseat.

"We need to do a transplant," she murmured. "Huh?," he looks at her who apparently sleep talking. "We need to save him..," she murmured.

"Save whom?," he asked having fun teasing her. "The patient," he giggled. "It just one day.. and you already miss your job this much,huh?,".

She move a little, "How can I increasingly attached to you in this early stage?,". He don't want to wake her up from her sleep, so he stepped out of the car and carried her bridal style.

Due to his touch, Jisoo woke up and look up to his face. "Yoongi?". He hummed in respond. "Where are we?,".

"Home, just close your eyes and sleep,". Like a baby she is, she was fast asleep. "You said Jaemin is baby neither you are a baby yourself,".

What's the other bless you'll give me? Can this be last forever?


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I'm trying to be consistent.

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