• Bonus Chapter

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Oh fun fact: i completed chapter 30 & the epilogue while doing the laundry lol.


Months later..

Mr. Yeonsook just went through a minor sugery and today was the last of his stay in the hospital. "You need anything dad?," she asked her father in-law as she visiting him.

"No, it's all good Jisoo .. but thanks for asking," he replied politely. "Jisoo, honey don't you have work today?," now Mrs Euna asked her daughter-in-law. "I do but, I went home early and I just want to make sure that everything is okay here," she excused but they know she meant it.

They smiled at her fondly, she's the same genuine lady they met on the first day, the smile turn to a frown when Mrs. Euna noticed something, "Jisoo, honey. Are you alright? because you look pale," she said.

She plastered a weak smile and hold her head, "I don't feeling well for the last 2 weeks now. I always get this headache and cramp. Maybe that's why I look pale,". Her in-law was looking at each other, raising their eyebrows. "Have you seek the doctor?," asked Mr. Yeonsook.

"I already did. I just got this because of stress so,don't worry I'll be alright," again she assured them because based from they were looking at her, she can tell they're worried for her health. "I'll be leaving now, mom, dad," she stood up and bowed her head.

"Why don't you wait for Yoongi? He'll be here soon," said Mrs Euna. "It's okay, mom. I need to prepare him dinner and beside, I brought my car along,". She nodded her head before agreeing to let her go, "Fine.. drive safe, okay,".

Jisoo bid her goodbyes for the last time and went away. "Can you see her changes?," asked Mrs Euna to her husband, "What do you mean?," his eyebrows connected in confusion. "Don't you think she's pregnant?," she wiggled her eyebrow.

"Nonsense, she's a doctor. She'll know if she's pregnant or not," said Mr. Yeonsook, scoffed away. "Even if she's a doctor, I don't think she's taking care of herself very well. I'll call Yoongi to tell him about this," she took her phone from her purse.

"Why are you calling Yoongi? He'll be here anyway," his wife lightly hit him hand away from her phone, "I want to tell him to went straight home. I'm afraid if there's something happen to Jisoo,"

"But mom...," he don't have a chance to speak as his mother was nagging at him on the other line, "Fine..then I'll be there tomorrow," he defeated. "Jisoo? What about Jisoo?," now his mother bringing up about his wife to the topic, "She seems fine to me .." he sighed again when his mother started shouting at him. "Okay.. geez mom.. my ear is hurting," he whined before her mother hung up the call.

As what his mom told him, he drive straight home. A smile creep on his lips when he saw her car was parked inside the garage. Happily, he unlocked the front door and shouted, "Jisoo! I'm home," but there's no response like usually.

"Sweetie?!," he went to the kitchen but there's nobody. He was near at the staircase when he clearly hear a sobbing and the voice is very familiar. "Jisoo?," he ran upstairs to their room and saw her, hugging her knees.

"Hey, baby.. what's wrong?," he cooed while hold her chin up, "What happen to you?," he asked again as she was ghosting his previous question. "Yoongi..,"

"Yes, I'm here now.. talk to me," he was curious. Is there somebody trying to hurt her? "Yoongi.. promise me you won't be mad at me?," she asked while sniffing. "Of course, I won't be mad at you,"

"Okay," she sighed trying to calm down, "...I've missed my period. ...," she stuttered making him raised his eyebrows, "Okay? Is that a bad thing?," he questioned as he couldn't get the point. She stares at him in the eyes and started pouting again before break down into tears.

"Okay, I'm sorry..I'm sorry.. It's okay..You're going to be fine," he took her into his embrace, this is the first time ever, he don't know what to do. Seconds pass, she pushed him lightly, "Yoongi...," she called again.

"Yes? What's the matter Jisoo? You scared me," he grinned but at the same time he truly mean it. "Actually, I'm..," she sniffed before continue the last word, "Pregnant,".

It feels like his world just stop for awhile, he was beyond speechless with his mouth agape. She cried out again upon his reaction, "You don't like it don't you?," she asked.

"What do you mean I don't like it?," he was confused, who wouldn't be happy to be a dad when they got married. "I got raped, remember?," she whined.

"You must be disgusting to see me," she pushed him away but he was stronger to hold on. "No..no..I would never," he assured. "No one raped you, except me," he added.

"Huh?," she was confused making her stop crying and blink her eyes in confusion. "I already met that guy and he doesn't raped you.. I can guarantee that,"

"You've met the guy?," she asked again, "Yes.. months ago but I didn't tell you because I don't want you get trauma,". She wiped her tears away, "You're not telling me lies, right?,"

"You can crossed my heart," he joked. "How long have you been pregnant? Why didn't you tell me sooner?," he questioned.

Calmly, she took his hand, " I found out on the first week of my pregnancy, now it almost reach 3 weeks,". He couldn't help but to grinned, happily.

"Finally, we're going to welcome our 3rd member," he cares her stomach, "Come out quickly and let's play basketball!," he whispered.

"Don't be silly," she hit him on the back, playfully. "I'm going to tell my mom and your mom and Jiyoon and Namjoon and also Lisa.. also Jaemin..wait..I'm going to tell the world," he stood up to find his missing phone, he put it somewhere and now, he couldn't remember.

"Where's my phone?," . Jisoo who saw his phone from where she was sitting just laughed at him, It's weird to see him being overly excited. "It's on your back pocket, Yoongi,"


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