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"Dr. Jisoo? Where are you going?," asked Jihyo as she saw Jisoo was about to leave the clinic. "Um, I need to go home early because my..my aunt and uncle will be home by tonight. I want to prepared something for them," she said hoping Jihyo believe her lies. "Okay, then. You want me inform Dr. Jen?,".

"No, it's fine. I already told her about it at lunch. So, I'll see you tomorrow," she waved a goodbye and stepped out side the clinic searching for the uber she ordered. "I'm sorry Jihyo-sshi," she murmured.


"Hello, Jisoo where are you?," asked the man at the end of the line. "Hi, Yoongi, I'm at home now," she answered while adding some ingredients into her cook. "Are you cooking?," he question as he can heard the noises.

"Yes, Your mom and dad are coming. So, I came home early welcoming them with dinner. Beside when the first time I came here, they welcome me with foods but instead I lock myself in the room," she said feeling a little guilty. "You should have told me to pick you up,"

"No, I don't want to burden you. You've works to do,". He smiled upon hearing her thought, "Work could wait,", She pouted as he heard him, "But you told me the other day, time is money and to get money you need to work hard,".

"Well yeah, but sometime we need to let go because there's some other thing that more valuable even money can't replace it," he said while he can sense she was nodding her head, "Yeah, you're right, Mr. Min,".

"I guess, I'll catch you up soon after I picked mom and dad at the airport, Mrs. Min," she giggled. "Okay, Mr. Min,". He ended the call and feeling a little joy, he just can't wait to get home.


She heard the gate was opened, "Oh, they're here!," she shout whispered as she was busy decorating and arranging food on the dinning table with the help of the maid. "Ma'am Jiyoon, let we take care of it, you can go greet them,". She smiled at them genuinely, "Thank you!,"

She ran towards the door with the happy face, "Welcome home! Mom and Dad," she greeted and hug the couple but she was a little taken aback when she felt she was pushed away.

Mrs. Min rolled her eyes, "Um, we didn't expect you'll be home," she said while look away, "Yeah, I came home early to prepared some dinner for us," she said with a smile plastered on her face.

Mr. Yeonsook - Yoongi's dad - coughed before he spoke up, "Sadly, I lost my appetite, you can have dinner without me," he said and left to upstairs. "I don't want to eat for some reasons, so.. will you excuse me," Mrs. Euna -Yoongi's mom - said roughly. Jisoo feel weird, 'Why are they acting like that? Maybe it's the jet leg,' she tried to stay positive.

Yoongi swung the door open and surprised to see the 'spacing out' Jisoo was standing there. "Hey, what are you doing here?,". Jisoo look at him, and she immediately smiled, "I was waiting for you," she lied as she bite her lips and look away. She's a bad liar.

"Okay, where's mom and dad?," he asked before putting his hand around her waist. "They're went upstairs to get some rest, probably they got jet leg. So, they told us eat dinner without them,".

"Really?," his eyebrows furrowed, "Yeah..," it's half true though. "Well, Mom told me, she was hungry and she can't wait to go home earlier," said Yoongi which make Jisoo eyes widen, but she tried to not tell what she feel.

"S-She said-d that?," she stuttered, "Yeah, but never mind. Let's eat, I can't wait to see your menu,". Despite feeling dissapointed she manage to show him a smile, at least he's with her.

"Wow, you made all of this?," he pointed to the dinning table, "Yeah, and of course your maid help me with some stuff,". Yoongi nodded, "Well, I guess you can say, you can make a great team,"

"I take that as a compliment, thank you!,". Yoongi took a seat obviously drooling over the food, "Let's eat,".

As they were in the middle of dig in, Mrs. Euna came to join them, "You guys don't wait for me?," she asked with a tone of disappointment. "Well, didn't you said..," she cut Jisoo off saying, "I told you to wait for me, I need to exchange didn't I?,"

Jisoo was speechless, because that's not what she told her earlier. Jisoo bowed her head, "I'm sorry for misheard your words, mom,". She rolled her eyes over Jisoo before took a sit beside Yoongi. "Yoongi, you should have wait for me," she scolded her son.

"I'm sorry mom, It's just Jiyoon said..," she cut him off too by saying, "You shouldn't never listen to what she said, you're the one who should man up in this family,".

"Yes mom,". Jisoo felt a little frustrated but she tried to let it slide. "Oh my, this food taste too sweet and some are too salty ," she wiped her mouth with the napkins.

"Really? It taste good for me," Yoongi said putting another spoon into his mouth. "Thank god, your dad skip dinner or might as well his condition got worst because of this food," she murmured but Yoongi and Jisoo heard her.

"I'm sorry, mom. I'll improve my cooking skill," said Jisoo, "No, need..because next time I don't want to swallow anything that you made,".

"Mom,.." Yoongi called out. "What? I'm just joking. Don't take it serious. Jiyoon-ah," she forced a smile which obviously fake as she stared at Jisoo.

"I think I had enough, I need to see your dad," Mrs Euna left them alone. "Sorry, about my mom. She's .. I don't know how to say..,".

"No, it's fine. Maybe she's right and even so, she told it's just a joke right? ," he cares her hand, "But still, I'm sorry,". Jisoo gave him an assuring smile.

"You finished? Let me clean this up. You should go freshen up and take some rest," she stood up and started clearing the table. "Let me help you,"

"No,.. go upstairs" she almost whined. "Fine," he kissed her cheeks. "I love you, and thank you for the food, my Mrs. Min," he whispered.

As she was alone, she keep thinking about how her mother-in-law treated earlier.

'Did I do something wrong?'


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