a little hurt

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Nikkis pov

I was in my tent making the perfect card for maximus or max

Today was our friend anniversary
I would have made one for neil but he has a big experiment going on under mess hall
Dont tell anyone though
But last year me and max helped niel build a underground science bunker near  mess hall or a "shit hole" as max calls it
He says this experiment will surely change the world max is just in it in case it makes money

Anyway i finished the perfect card for our friend anniversary
Now i know what your saying 'how can you possibly remember what time tou became friends ' well in all honesty max and neil are my first friends ever
You can say im not the most popular at school

Or at all
Mainly since some differences
But max and neil
They care for me

Well i think neil does

I have not really  thought about what max thinks of me or if he even thinks of me at all
That kind of bothers me for some reason i dont know why i think about max a lot though its weird
Its weird to think about boys on a daily basis for me

My mother said its just ' my pelvic regions reaching out '

I looked at my card

It was blue, the same shade of blue as max's hoodie, it had the words 'happy friendiversary max!'
And it had pictures of him and me and lil bit with neil
But my favorite one was with us and the egg from three years ago
Thinking of being a parent made my face feel hot and nervous

My pelvic regions must be reaching out


Everyone is still the same from 3 years ago except puberty and maturity had hit most of us
I mean my chest got a bit bigger and my hair got longer
So did every other girl
Except erin
She cut her hair because she is sooo cool

I finally caught max being the pessimist he is
In the center of the camp

In the center of everyone

I walked to max with the card behind me smiling my big smile as per usual
Max seen me and rolled his eyes
" hi nikki " he grumbled

" hey max you know what today is " i asked cheerily

" knock the shit out of david day ?"

" no"

" make neil come out of the closet day "

" nope "

" i dont fucking know nikki"
" its our friendaversary ta-da!!"

i whipped out the card max scanned over. Looking at every picture
As everyone at camp looked at them

" the heck  is this  " he snatched the card
And hauled it to the trash " thats hella lame nikki and too mushy for me but oh well " nikki stood in shock till
" you wanna go put bear shit in quarter masters shoes than leave it in david and gwens cabin?" max asked. With an evil grin
The campers listening and looking to see nikkis reaction to whag max.did

" nikki wh-"
No one's POV
" you're mean max" nikki interupted him quietly as she clenched her hands and looked down
Everone whispered among themselves

" you're mean" she repeated
" so what people are mean in the world besides I'm just being realistic" max
" not to their friends " nikki said in a sad tone " or are we friends " nikki asked under her breath

" nikki no I uh do like you I feel um"
Max struggled with his words being he has never been in this situation

" it's fine I guess some of us aren't made to understand feelings" nikki said in a frustrated tone

" well sorry I just dont know what to tell you " max remarked

" oh I dont know maybe it's okay nikki or even better IM SORRY" she yelled stepping forward as things got more intense

" well what should I be apologizing for ? For not being a softy !" Max yelled getting in her face

" no for being a dick!!" She yelled rage flames in her eyes as it does in Max's

The campers watch the scene unfold

" oh I'm a dick? Well at least I'm not some psycho tree bitch who eats leaves for a living !!"

" oh you take that back you tiny twat! "

" I'm taller and older than you !"

" yet you act like you're 5 !"



And then it happened so fast in the blink of an eye

They jumped on each other

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