affection and connections

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Nikki max and neil were laughing at the table
Max looked at nikki as she laughed
She is so beautiful
Nikki then stuffed her face with "mashed potatoes" and it some came out her nose when she laughed
Yup beautiful
Max was having a great time until
" alright ive gotta go ill see you guys later " maxs head snapped up
" but wait where are you going"
Nikki looked confused as max held her arm waiting for her to respond
"Ive gotta go find something max "
Nikki said turning to leave
" i could help you find it "
Max said standing up
Neil looked nervously between the two as he sweated sitting awkwardly
" max no offense but i could do it alone"
Nikki said shrugging him off

" but why i miss you " max blurted out
And froze instantly
" max im right here i always will be " nikki sighed
" fine whatever leave me then like everyone else " max turned  away
" max thats not true im not gonna leave you " nikki sighed again
While neil intervened " i think nikkis telling the truth"
Nikki smiled
" thanks neil "
Max rolled his eyes
" how come you always let neil come along " max complained
" huh" they both said

" well its because neils a Scientist"
Nikki said pumping her fist at the scientist
" oh so because im not a SciEntiSt im not good enough to hang out with my girlfriend"

Nikki frowned " what no i just mean because neil can use his sciencey talents to help me with stuff and hes like my brother he looks out for me"
Nikki stated

Max turned to her " i can look out for you what about me" he said a little bit loudly
" max why are you being so clingy" nikki questioned in a soft voice
Max was shocked
He realized he was being a bit clingy
" yeah sorry " he said " i should get going too" he smiled sadly
Walking away

Yeah max was clingy and he had major trust issues but dont hold that to him
He still sought to make nikki fully his
And apologize for being off today
While..... nikki thought it was fully her fault and she just ruined their relationship...again

So she went to make things right too

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