dreams of a blue teen girl

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Nikkis head lay on maxs lap as they sat on the grass a few meters away from camp
Nikki looked up at the swaying leaves in the sky as max patted her head
Nikki thought if she had done something
Lately she has been feeling as if she has been doing all the wrong things
She doesnt mean to
This is all new to her
Nikki felt as if she was falling in to a hole of confusion
When her mind spun
Nikki jumped
Taking in her new surroundings
A dim red room with a lamp resting on a small table
Next to a record player
A thing sat
" nikki"
Nikki woke up from that hideous dream
" huh " she said looking back at max
" i must of fell asleep my bad "nikki said
" but your eyes were open ?" Max said
" do you have a sleep disorder or something"
Nikki shook her head
" not that i know of "

I dont get it

They both thought

Hes right here
Shes right here

So why do we feel so apart!

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