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Nikki and max sat in their tents and thought about what unfolded

Well he didn't care

She was so sensitive

He didn't even listen

She tried to bite me


She's kinda cool

He's can be nice

I like her real hair its ..different

When he sleeps he's so peaceful

I liked it when she laughs

I like it when he smiles

What if....we were together?

Max and nikki knew what they had to do as they ran out their tents
The camp wasn't big but it wasn't really small and all the smaller camps inside the area made it hard to maneuver around
They were across from each other
and they gasped as they met each others eyes
Nikkis eyes shined
Max's pupils dilated
" max"
"NIKKI" nikki turned her head seeing her name be called by someone who isnt max ot was Nerris and dolph
Oh yeah nikki remembered
As max looked at her as if saying them or me
Nikki sighed
Oh yeah, he's not mine anyway
She trudged to nerris and dolph
As they jumped talked about new adventures
Max seen the look nikki gave him
He was sure
So why didn't she come
Did she feel bad?
Did she feel uncomfortable?
Did she feel nothing at all for him!

Well you were kinda an asshole to her
So I was trying to look out for her
How exactly?
If the kids here see weakness they attack
Like the mr honeynuts thing ?
But nikki laughed at you too
You're right so I should go back to hating nikki
I did not say that
I'm going back to hating nikki
Jesus christ

Max didn't feel like arguing with himself so he walked in the woods trying to find Neil's secret shithole
But he felt like he was going the wrong way max got frustrated and did not pay attention to where he was going and ran face first into a tree
He heard voices

My head

Why the hell do I see blue

Max please dont go

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