throwing hands

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They both jumped on each other
Adrenaline sparking through their veins
As they clawed and pulled  on each other
Nikki went in to bite Max's hand but he kicked her off him
She tumbled to the ground
They continued to grab each other by their clothes and hair as all the campers watched in horror
" you . Always
Hurt .feelings" nikki said through clenched teeth her voice revealing struggle of keeping max back

" you're.  Always . Annoying " max grunted pushing nikki back with full force

" I dont like you!" The two yelled in unison

" what the hell is going on here " they heard a voice
Max and nikki froze
With Max's hand on nikkis cheek and the other clawing her arm as her foot was on his cheek and her hands in his hair

Gwen walked toward the struggling friends

" what are you little shits doing " gwen glared intensely at them as they stood silent
" if you're gonna fight tell me first " she said excitedly sitting down and observing with wide eyes
Just as the two were about to go at it again
David got between them
" what in the darn heck are you two doing you guys are friends friends dont fight"
Max and nikki glared at each other
" he's not my friend "
" she's not my friend"
There was a moment of silence before david said " alright alright I'm taking you two to your tents " and then he dragged them away

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