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As nikki and max were confused about their feelings
The lake lilac summer dance was around the corner
And max did not know how to ask nikki
Who was currently sulking
Longing to be with her boyfriend
Its just that they have been so busy
Nikki thought that boyfriends and girlfriends always made time for eachother
But max has been ignoring her a bit
She felt bad

Maybe its time to change some things
Nikki thought


Max did not know what nikki wanted
Maybe what every other girl wanted
Except nikki was not every other girl
She was nikki
And she was like the most important girl to him ( since his moms kind of a bitch)

He was thinking of flowers
Yeah flowers spelt in her name
Would she like that
He remembered when they set off fireworks at the last lake lilac
He laughed at the memories
Nikki was very special to him
He began gathering things

He wanted to make her happy because she makes him happy
So when nikki walked out her tent looking like... well not nikki
She came out high waisted pink jean shorts
And a knotted white shirt that showed her stomach
Max dropped all his supplies ...along with his jaw
He quickly hid the supplies
" hi max " nikki said nervously
Playing with her loose hair
" h hey nikki what the hell happened to you ?"
Nikki frowned
" you dont like it?"
" n no i was just wondering why you w walked out looking like a..."
Nikki waited frowning
Max sighed

" how about we go somewhere"

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