hot and cold

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David and gwen announced that the lake lilac dance will be happening in a week
And a certain couple was excited
In their own ways
Max was more nervous than excited
How would he ask nikki
Did she even want to go?
He thought she did they were a couple after all
Nikki snapped max out of his trance
" hey max want to go do something with neil and me "
Max frowned he wanted to spend special time with nikki

" yeah whatever " nikki frowned at his negative attitude but tried to make things different
As the three walked and talked about random shit
They ran into the flower scouts
" ew what are you guys doing here" sahsa said the same time max said
" ugh can this day get any worse "
" we should head back then " erin and neil said at the same time
Neil blushed
Tabii and nikki both got on all fours and growled at eachother

The 6 suddenly stopped realizing how alike they are
" anyone else think this is awkward ?" Nikki asked getting up

" youre right nikki its obvious me and max were made to be together " sasha said suddenly hit with a wave of admiration
She clinged to maxs arm and max scowled
" we are one my love let us be together forever " sasha said with hearts in her eyes
Neil and the other flower scouts were confused
But nikki
Nikki was feeling rage
Jealous rage
Max is supposed to stay with me forever not sasha
Nikki thought angrily
Max caught her look and was a bit confused
But shrugged it off
he pushed sasha off him
" yeah no thanks though i am flattered your offer was quite interesting but still no" max said yawning
he shrugged
Nikki hmphed turning her back to all of them as she walked away

" nikki wait for us " neil called out going after her
" see ya losers " max waved catching.up
" man i hate those girls" nikki scowled
" whats up with you?"
" nothing" she grumbled
Max was confused one minute she was happy next minute she was like this this was not like nikki

That night nikki went to sleep without
Saying goodnight to anyone

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