Where's Daan?

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Bo's POV
"Daaaan!! We need to go!" I scream from upstairs. We had to go to my first soccer practice since I lived in England with Daan, Viv and Lisa. It's only a week since I've been here, so it doesn't feel like home yet, but that's probably because I don't feel save anywhere. I heard the front door open so I walked downstairs to check if it was Daan cause I didn't got a responds back. But it were Viv and Lisa. "Hey hebben jullie Daan gezien? [Hey have you seen Daan?]" I asked.
Viv: "Talk English sweetie"
"Don't call me that!"
Viv: "Sorry didn't thought you'd get mad"
Lisa: "Viv come on! Where is Daan?"
"Yeah I don't know, she should be home by know because she would drive me to practice, but I'm late anyway so whatever"
Viv: "I'll drive you. Lisa can you figure out where Daan is?"
Bo: "Thanks Viv"
Lisa: "Yeah sure I'll call Beth, Jill, Leah and Jordan."
Viv: "Allright thanks babe. Bo we have to go."
Lisa: "Bo did you already eat?"
Bo: "Not hungry"
Lisa: "You got to eat something Bo, you got to train real hard"
Bo: "Yeah whatever mom"
Viv and Lisa: "Bo!!"

"So how was your first training?" asked Viv after practice. "Het was leuk hoor, wel zwaar. [It was fun, but tough]" I said, I saw Viv looking at me with the 'talk English' face "So Daan still isn't home huh?" I said this time in English. "No we're a little worried now but it's also typical Daan." Viv said. "Yeah that's true" I said. After we got home I made some homework. School is really hard here compared to the schools in the Netherlands. It's already 1 am and Daan still didn't came home. I went down stairs to get some Ice tea. I tried to walk really slowly and not make any noise. When I came into the kitchen I saw Viv and Lisa making out.
Lisa: "O Bo we were..."
Bo: "yeah, I'm 14, not stupid"
Viv: "Alright beidehandje, why are you still up?"
Bo: "I can't sleep cause Daan isn't home and I'm worried."
Bo: "And who puts a empty bottle back in the frigerator?!"
Lisa: "That was you!"
Bo: "No I would nev- Oo wait nevermind it was me..."
Viv: "Bo you have school tomorrow, you really need to sleep now"
Bo: "It's only 1 am relax"
Lisa: "Is this kid serious?!"
Bo: "What? Six hours sleep is enough"
Viv: "No it's not, it really isn't. So you go upstairs now and give me your phone"
Bo: "Wat nee Viv ga niet zo doen hoor. [What no, Viv don't act like this]"
Viv: "Bo please just listen! My house, my rules. You get it back tomorrow morning"
Bo: "Uhg whatever"
So I walked upstairs even though I was a little upset because Viv was so strict out of nowhere but sure. I'll wait for Daan to come home anyway.

I woke up and walked downstairs. I saw Lisa and Viv but Daan was nowhere to be found. "Wait really? Daan didn't came home last night?" I asked.
Lisa: "Nope, I called everyone but no one knows"
Viv: "We have training in a hour so she'll probably be there."
Lisa: "Yes I hope so"
Viv: "But how are you going to school Bo? Daan always drive you right?"
Bo: "O yeah, you know, I could also stay home"
Lisa: "Haha no"
Viv: "But we can't drive her Lisa"
Bo: "I'll take the bus"
Lisa: "Are you sure?"
Bo: "Yeah I have to because you can't drive me and I HAVE to go to school"
Lisa: "You know you have to go in 10 minutes, don't you?"
Bo: "What?! 10 minutes?! Can someone please make me breakfast while I get dressed?"
Viv: "Sure honey"
I hate it when she calls me honey but I really didn't had time to argument now. When I was about to go Daan came in. "Daan waar was je?! [Daan where were you?!]" I asked. "Maakt niet uit, maar jij moet naar school dus spring in de auto. [Doesn't matter, but you have to go to school so get in the car]" she said. What's going on? Why doesn't she just tell me? "Ik neem de bus. [I'll take the bus]" I said.
Lisa came downstairs and asked:
"Daan where were you?"
Daan: "Bo why would you take the bus?"
Bo: "I don't wanna be in a car with you right now. I was worried you know! And you just come home like nothing happend."
Lisa: "Yeah Daan where were you? And don't say that it doesn't matter again"
Daan: "Alright, I was with Tristan."
Lisa: "Tristan?!"
Bo: "Who the fuck is Tristan?"
Lisa: "It's here ex!"
Bo: "Okay so?"
Lisa: "He's like the worst guy on earth! He has a really bad influence over Daan. Daan always get drunk with him and they do really dumb shit when they're together"
Daan: "I'm literally standing here! And he's not that bad. I accidentally ran into him and we went for a little drink and before I know we were in his apartment."
Bo: "Really Daan? You're so unbelievable. I have to go now"
Daan: "Bo I promise I won't see him again"
Bo: "Yeah you better don't"
It was kinda funny, but I also was really mad. She could have just text me or something.

[Yeah kinda boring but I promise some action and drama]

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