No Idea Once Again

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[Soo, Storm is this guy that Bo dated in the Netherlands. Daan thinks that Storm is a bad guy and don't really like him. When Bo went to England because she was in trouble with everyone, Storm started to ghost her. He really broke her heart, so Daan is really careful with the boys that Bo dates]

Bo's POV (again):
Daan went home and I was bored again. Luckily Matt came in the room. "Hey you!" he said. Again that 'hey you'. I rolled my eyes and he laughed: "Should I go?" I don't know what it was, but I wanted him to stay with me all the time. I only know him for 1 day. "Hey I wanted to bring you somewhere" he said and give my crutches to me. He grabbed a blanket. "What? Where we going?" I asked. But he already walked away. I walked behind him. "Were gonna take the lift" he said. "The lift?! Where we going?" I asked. He didn't say anything and went in the lift. We went to the highest floor. Then he went to the roof. I follow him. He sat on a bench and I sat next to him. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on is shoulder. He spread the blanket so I wouldn't get cold. The view was amazing. It started to snow and it was so beautiful. We talked for hours. It probably weren't hours, but it sure felt like it. The door went open and Jake and Daan ran to us. "What are you doing up here?! It's freezing!" she said. "Matt you can't be here in this cold!" Jake said. What does he mean? Why can't Matt be here? "I can take care off myself goddamitt" he said. Daan and I were confused. "Go to you're room now! Both of you!" Jake said. We all went downstairs and Jake and Matt went to Matt's room and Daan and I went to my room. "Are you kidding me?!" she asked. "Are YOU kidding me?! You ruining it every time!" I said. It's true, Matt feels like he's just... He's literally meant to be. I know him for 2 days or so and I'm already really in love with him. "You shouldn't go with a guy you only know for 2 days." she said. "I look like you" I laughed, but she couldn't really laugh about it. "I'm not joking, you only know him for 2 days! He'll break your heart, just like all those other guys. I know how this will go: you start to like him, he's gonna use your for sex, you start to love him, he'll ghost you and you'll be heartbroken" I didn't know what to say. Maybe she was right... No, no it's not true, Matt was really sweet and he wasn't like that at all. He won't ever use me. "No, Matt isn't like that. He really loves me and I really love him. I know that I only know him for 2 days, but he's real, this is real." She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "I warned you" she said.

Fridaymorning. It's been 2 weeks since everything happend. I'm out the hospital, I can't really walk without my crutches except for a few steps, Daan dates Jake and Matt and I are a happy couple. Like I said, I'm out of the hospital and I'm home. I don't do much though. I don't go to school yet and I can't play football yet. Viv, Lisa and Daan aren't much around, but it's fine. I wanted to go to the hospital so I can surprise Matt, he's still in the hospital. I took the bus and went to the hospital. I didn't like to be in the hospital, it just gave to much flashbacks. "Hey Jake is Matt awake?" I asked when I saw Jake. "O yeah he's in his room, but he has a visitor I reckon." he said. That's probably his mom or something like that. I walked to his room and looked through the window. He did had a visitor, but it wasn't his mom. He was kissing a girl that I didn't know. What should I do? I opened the door and and the looked at me. "Bo, it isn't what you think it is!" he said. I cried and walked away. I went back home and deleted all our pics and block his number from my phone. I cried for hours and hours. I know I said that I liked being alone, but I just wanted someone to be there for Me. It was 7 p.m. and Daan, Viv and Lisa weren't home yet. I started to cook to get my mind off of him. Daan, Viv and Lisa came home with Jill and Katie. They were all laughing and talking. "O sorry I didn't know that Jill and Katie would come to eat with us." I said. "It doesn't matters, you always cook way too much" Lisa said. The others laughed. I looked in the pan and started to laugh too. She was right. "And if you're still hungry you can order a pizza." said Daan. "We're probably ordering some pizza tonight anyway." I totally forgot. They were gonna throw a party for the team tonight. "Is the whole team coming?" I asked. "No, Beth isn't coming. O and Kim isn't either, she wants to be fit for tommorows game" said Jill. "You are literally gonna throw a party the night before you have a game?" I asked. "There's no alcohol" said Daan. Yeah my ass, she's totally lying. But, Beth isn't coming and I wanted to talk with her. I needed to talk with someone about Matt. And since Daan didn't even asked how my day was... I texted Beth if she wanted to talk with me tonight at her place. It took a while but after didn't I finally got a response. She said that she'd like that. I told her that I would be at her house at 10 p.m. There were more and more people coming in to our house. I saw really much bottle of wine and other alcoholic drinks on the table. I walked up to Daan and told her that I would go to Lux, a friend of mine. "How are you coming there?" she asked. I saw that Daan had already drunk a little so I hoped that I could borrow her scooter which she never used. "Can I please borrow your scooter?" I asked. She probably wouldn't let me borrow it. "What?! Bo, you're 15! Do you even know how to ride a scooter?" she asked. "I used to do it all the time when I lived in the Netherlands." I said. It didn't always went good tho. "You're horrible." she said. Leah and Jordan started to talk with Daan. I was standing there waiting for an answer since 'you're horrible' isn't really much of an answer. "Daan!!" I said. She looked away from Leah and Jordan and said: "Yeah, yeah, but don't drink! If you drink you can give me you're phone for weeks. And be home at 00:30" If she knows where I was going she would know that I wouldn't drink, but I couldn't say that I was going to Beth.

After 3 minutes on the scooter I arrived at Beth's house. It didn't went really while because I had to take my crutches too. I knocked on the door and Beth opened the door. It was a little arkward at first, but ever a while we talked an had deep conversations about what happend with my feet, Matt and Danielle. She was actually the only one who I told about Matt. She told me that Daan was avoiding her and that she didn't understand what was going on. I knew ofcourse, Daan has a new boyfriend, but I'm not gonna tell her. After a while she said: "Wanna get wasted?" I didn't know if that was a good idea since I told Daan that I wouldn't drink and Beth has a match to play tomorrow. "I don't know Beth, don't you have a match tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah, but aren't your sister and my other teammates getting drunk too?" she asked. She was right. If they could get drunk, why couldn't we. I didn't really thought and just grabbed the bottle and started to drink. She laughed. It was nice, I didn't need to think about anything and it was fun to get drunk again. We had fun and got really drunk. We danced, singed and laughed so much. It was already 2 a.m. and I needed to go home. Beth give me the bottle of bacardi and I went home. I realized that I couldn't get home on the scooter anymore, so I walked home with my crutches. I got my keys and opened the door. The music was really loud so I knew that the party was still going on. I tried not to make any sound while I walked upstairs. But me being me... I felt and one of my stitches broke open. My whole shoe was covered with blood. It didn't hurt, probably because I was drunk. I slowly walked upstairs. I tried to walk past the living room because everyone was there. But Daan saw me and got mad. "Bo, what are you doing?! Are you out of your mind?!" she almost screamed. I tried to walk away but she grabbed my arm. "Bo what happend with your feet?" I hoped she didn't notice that. "Leave me alone Daan!" I said and walked away. She grabbed my arm again and said: "Look me in the eyes Bo" I tried to look away. "You're drunk aren't you?" How did she notice? It wasn't that obvious. I know how to hide it when I'm drunk. "No! Why would you think that! You never trust me! I hate you!" I said. It always works with Evi. "Bo you're so drunk! Don't try to hide it. I can see it." she said. Okay maybe it didn't work on Daan. "Take of your Bag and get your ass upstairs right now!" she said. "I'll get you new bandage" I walked upstairs and felt on my bed. Daan and Viv came upstairs and Viv refreshed my bandage. "I think she should see a doctor. I can only refresh her bandage, but I can't stitch it up." said Viv to Daan. She nodded and I felt a sleep.

I woke up with a hell of a headache. I took my crutches and walked downstairs. Viv, Lisa and Daan were sitting on the kitchen table. "Goodmorning sunshine!" Lisa said. Viv and Daan looked at her and rolled their eyes. "Okay I'm gonna take a shower." Lisa said. "I'm in trouble..." I said. "We need to talk" Daan said. "Bo we found a bottle Bacardi in your bag." Viv said and she put the bottle on the table. "You weren't at Lux's place right?" Daan asked. How did she know? "Yeah I ain't stupid Bo, Lux isn't someone who drinks. And besides, I know her parents and they wouldn't ever let her drink." she said. Okay she's right. Lux would never drink before she's 18. "Her parents weren't home" I said. "Where's my scooter? Did you walk home?" Daan asked. I nodded. "And you walked all the way from Lux's place to her? Don't you think that that's a little to far? That's like an hour walking." she said. Okay she was right again. "Okay sure I wasn't at Lux's place. May I have my bacardi back?" I asked. They looked like I was stupid. "No of course not! You'll get it back when we think your responsible enough." Daan said. "And give your phone here!" I totally forgot that I had to give her my phone. "No Daan! Don't be like that." I said. She looked at me with a strict face and I gave her my phone. "Get ready because we're gonna to the doctor and ever that you're gonna come to our match." she said. So I had to give my phone, she took my bottle Bacardi and I had to come to their match? That's just hell. "Bo do you realize that you could've been dead? You can't comby medicine and alcohol" she said. And again she was right. "I'm sorry..." I said. We went to the doctor and after that we went to the match. I had to wait for so long in the louche room, and without phone that's just boring like hell. Daan and the rest were getting ready cause the game is starting in half an hour.

[Yeah extra long chapter! Have a nice Christmas day y'all! Haha you probably have heard that for like 587 times today.]

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