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Daan's POV:
We went out on a girl's night out. Bo is with Lisa so I hope everything is okay. I'm not really used to the parenting thing yet. Especially not with a child like Bo... But tonight, I just wanna forget everything and all the worries and just have a fun night. We went to the bar where we always go. Beth and me weren't weird at all. We talked a lot and had fun together. She was really nice for me and gave me drinks. I knew I drunk to much when I noticed that Beth was a little more then nice. She was so cute... I knew it was a bad thing. I knew that I shouldn't flirt with her. I'm in a relationship with Jake and I wanna keep it that way. But like, why does she got to be so cute. She grabbed my arm and we walked away from the group to be alone. I shouldn't have drink this much. We went around the corner and I saw Jake standing. "Jake! What are you doing here?!" I said. I was happy to see him because I haven't seen him all week. "Hey you! You look hot!" he said. I noticed that he drunk a little too much too. "You didn't answer my question yet" I said. "I went to get a drink with some friends. I missed you..." he said, and my heart melted. "But since you're here..." he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him and he kissed me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him even closer. I saw Beth in my eyecorner, she looked sad. She walked away and I felt sorry, but it's not my fault that I have a boyfriend... Me and Jake got a few more drinks and after that we went back to the group. "You guys are so wasted..." said Viv when we walked to them. "Were gonna go home, I want to check on Lisa and Bo" she said. "Viv I don't wanna go home yet!! I wanna stay with Jake" I said while I kissed him. "No Daan! You have responsibilities now!" she said. I rolled my eyes and she pulled Jake and me all the way to the car. We finally got home and Jake and I wanted to go upstairs. Bo was still awake and asked why I was with Jake... I ignored her and walked downstairs with Jake.

Bo's POV:
"Waarom is ze zo...? [Why is she like that] " I asked Viv. "Ze vind het gewoon moeilijk, want voordat jij hier was kon ze doen en laten wat ze wilde... [She just thinks it's hard, because before you were here she could do whatever she wanted to do...]" she said. I know that it's different. Before I lived here she was just free. Now she has a child. Of course I'm not her real child, but she still got to raise me. And it's hard to change your life in such a short time. But I mean Viv is even better at raising a child and she's only 22. Jake also isn't really good for her. Jake seems sweet and stuff, but he's a alcoholic. I know it for sure. Anyway I went upstairs and did some stuff for school, it was very late and I was really tired, but I have a deadline tomorrow. Like I said before, school is so hard here and I really don't want to let Daan down. It was already over 3 a.m. and I went downstairs to get some food. There were no snack so I got me some cornflakes. I heard footsteps coming to downstairs. I was scared because I knew that it wasn't Daan, Lisa nor Viv. All kinds of flashbacks from that night with the robber came back, so I grabbed a big knife and waited around he cornor. "Jesus do you want to kill me?" I heard Jake say. I totally forgot about Jake and that he was spending the night here. "Facking hell you scared the hell out of me" I said. He laughed. He looked so much like Matt and I kinda hated him for that. "What are you doing here anyway?" he asked. Am I really gonna tell him that I was making cornflakes and watching tiktoks? "I was making cornflakes and watching tiktok" I said. He laughed and asked me: "I heard you broke up with Matt?" Did he really had to bring that up? I was just enjoying my cornflakes and he had to talk about him. "I didn't broke up with him, I caught him kissing another girl" I said while slurping my milk. "I'm sorry. He's a jerk." he said. He's more then a jerk, he's an actual fucking idiot. "Hmm it's in the family" I laughed. He frowned and I walked upstairs and made a bit more homework, but it was already over 3:30 am so I went to sleep.

Daan's POV:
"You look terrible! Did you even sleep? You shouldn't be on you're phone so much" I asked when Bo walked downstairs. I've been noticing the last few days, that Bo doesn't sleep like at all. "Don't talk to me. By the way, you aren't looking beautiful yourself." she said and walked pass me. She was right, I got a hell of a hangover. "Bo come back." I said and she came back to me. "How much did you sleep tonight?" She rubbed her eyes and shrugged. "You came home late this night huh?" she said. "Yeah and you were still awake at 3 am huh?" I said. Ofcourse Jake told me. "I was hungry" she said. "You should've been asleep, not eating cornflakes." I said. She rolled her eyes and walked away, I let her. I walked to Viv to ask what happend yesterday, I can't remember anything. "I don't know either. You and Beth were just talking and drink something. Then you guys when away, but you came back with Jake. And then you didnt want to leave." she laughed. "Wait did me and Beth went away together?" I asked. I can't remember any of that. If I really went away with Beth and came back with Jake, I musst have hurt Beth her feelings... Again... "Yes you were flirting with her..." she said. "O kut. Don't ever let me drink again! Ever!" I said and she laughed. "Haha sure."

Bo's POV:
4 weeks. 4 weeks ago, I got stabbed in my ankle. I can't walk since 4 weeks. I'm quite used to it. I've been missing school for the last 3 weeks, so I got catch up before I go back to school. I've got really much deadlines and it's killing me. I've got so much stress. Daan is still dating Jake and I'm still figuring things out with Liam.

Daan's POV:
The door bell ring and I went to open it. It was Jake. He was totally wasted... Third time this week and it's only Friday. Bo's says that he isn't good for me. She says that he's absolutely an alcoholic and I dont want to see it in. "Hey y'all" he said way too loud. "Imma head out of here. I've already seen enough!" Bo said. She went upstairs and Jake felt on the couch. "Can I have a beer?" he said. Didn't he had enough? "You've had enough!" I said. He stood up and hit me. "You don't tell me what to do!" he said. I can't believe he hit me. He gets so aggressive when he's drunk. Wednesday we went to the bar, I didn't drink, he had beaten up a boy from 16 years old. It really scared me. The poor boy didn't even do a thing and he got beaten up so bad. I didn't want to make it any worse so I just got him a beer. Normally I would have punched him back. But I don't want to lose him. I got him his beer and he kissed me. "Not now Jake I'm not in the mood." I said. He pushed me on the couch and went on me. "Jake please." I said again. "Baby come on! You're just so hot!" he said. I don't know how he does it, but he always gets what he wants from me. I know he isn't the best boyfriend, but he really loves me. He look of my shirt and I didn't resist... As always... Next time I won't let him!

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