Hahaha No Idea Again

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Daan's POV:
"Daaaan!!! Is it okay if some friends come over tonight?!!" she yelled from upstairs. "How much?!" I yelled back. "I don't know! Around 7 or so!" she yelled. "Ask Viv!" I said. "Viv said that I should ask you!" she yelled. "O yeah sure, but no alcohol!" I said. I heard her say 'yes you can come over guys'  to her friends.
It was 8 p.m. and Bo's friends came over to watch a movie. I got a text from Leah that she, Jordan and Jill were gonna have a girls night out and they asked if I wanted to come with them. I didn't know. I didn't want Bo to stay home alone with her friends. It's not like I don't trust her... Or maybe it is... There are some good reasons why I shouldn't trust her, but that doesn't mean that I don't love her. "Viv! Lisa! Can you come to the kitchen please?!" I asked. They came to the kitchen and asked what was going on. "Leah asked if I wanted to go to the club with her and some others, but I don't want her to be alone with her friends her." I said. "O yeah she asked us too" Viv said. "I'll stay home." Lisa said. Viv looked at her a little worried. "Are you okay babe?" she asked. "I'm just not really into a party." she said. I thanked her. I was really relieved to know that there would be a adult. We went back to the living room where Bo and her friends were watching a movie. I saw that Bo was holding Liam his hand and she was leaning her head on his shoulder. "Hey Lisa can Liam stay over for the night?" she asked as we walked in. I knew she asked Lisa because she would say yes. "Bo no he can't sleep here!" I said. "Daan come on!" she said. I don't want her to sleep with a boy before she's 16 or no 18. I don't know. What's a reasonable age? She's already 16 in 4 months. But 18 is maybe a little to long. We'll do 17. "Bo ik wil niet dat jij hier met hem slaapt! [Bo I don't want you to sleep with him here!]" I said. I saw Liam looking confused. "Daan!" she said. "Nee Bo ik ben serieus nu! Ik wil niet dat jij seks hebt voor je zeventiende! [No Bo I'm serious now! I don't want you to have sex before you're seventeen!]" I said. "Daan je weet zelf ook wel dat ik geen maagd ben! [Daan you know that I'm not a virgin anymore!]" she said. "Ja no shit! Maar ik wil gewoon niet dat jij drinkt of seks hebt hier! Je bent pas 15! [Yeah no shit! But I just don't want you to drink or have sex here! You're only 15]" I said. She looked like she understood, but she still rolled her eyes like always. Viv, the only one who understood because she is Dutch too, sat there really uncomfortable. "Sorry Viv" I said. "O and Bo, Lisa is staying with you tonight. Me and Viv are going out." I saw her getting a big smile on her face. "Hey don't get anything in you mind Bo!" I said.
I was ready to go, but I had to wait for Viv. I told Lisa not to let the kids downstairs out of her sight. "Am I babysitting or something?" she joked. I laughed and we went downstairs.

Bo's POV:
Daan went out with Viv, and Lisa stayed at home. Lisa had a headache so she went to her bed.  I was laying on Liams shoulder. Some of my friends were smoking in the house. Most of my friends are 16/17. They asked me if I had some alcohol. "I don't know guys, Daan said no alcohol" I said. But I didn't want them to think that I was a loser. I knew where they hide the bottle Bacardi. "Okay I know where they hide the Bacardi, but if they notice that we drunk out of it they'll kill me" I said. "Just fill it with water" Liam said. That was actually pretty smart. I went to to kitchen and filled the bottle with water. Everyone started to drink. I didn't want to drink so much because I didn't want to have a hangover. It was starting to get late and everyone went home. Liam kissed me goodbye and I felt so in love. It's funny how sad I was because of Matt. Daan warned me and she was right. But I swear to God that it's different with Liam. I'll take it slowly with Liam. I walked upstairs when I heard something downstairs. Viv, Daan and Jake came in. Daan and Jake were really loud and Viv was trying to let them talk quieter. So I knew that Viv didn't drink. But didn't they have a GIRLS night out? What is Jake doing here than?

Hey y'all leave a comment for motivation pls💓

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