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Daan's POV:
I was getting ready for the game when suddenly Beth came in the room. She didn't look good. I didn't want to start a conversation since I was still trying to avoid her. She started to talk to Katie and Jill. I was trying to listen. "Uhgg I got a hangover." I heard Beth say. She wasn't even at the party right? "But you weren't on the party last night" Katie said. It's like she could read my mind. "No, no... Uhm I was with a friend." she said. I could easily see that she was lying. Wait... Omg, she was with my sister last night! That explains how she got the Bacardi, and how she could walk home. And that explains where she was. I'm gonna kill her! I'm gonna so fucking kill her! "Beth! You were with Bo last night weren't you?" I said. She didn't respond. Everyone started to look. "She could have been fucking dead!" I said. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I tried to punch her, but Jill came in the way and instead I punched her. "Jill get out of my fucking way!" I said. "Okay calm the fuck down! You get your ass there!" she said to me while she pointed to a corner of the room. She looked at Beth and said: "You get your ass there!" We both walked to an other corner and Jill smiled proudly. "What you mean, she could have been dead?" she asked. "She can't drink alcohol, because she's taking medicine!" I said. "I didn't knew that! She was just sad because she caught Matt kissing an other girl!" Beth said. What does she mean? Why didn't Bo tell me that? "You gave her alcohol!" I said. I didn't want to show her that I didn't knew that she caught Matt. "It wasn't my fault! You can't balme me!" Beth scream from the other side of the room. "You're her fucking guardian!" I'm her guardian for only 3 months. I have no idea how to raise a child. Especially not a child like Bo. How could she expect from me to be a good guardian? "Okay shut up both of you! Don't act childish! If you're gonna act like this on the pitch we will lose the game!" Jill said.

We were like 30 minutes in the game, and Beth hasn't pass the ball to me one time. I didn't pass the ball to her too, if she doesn't pass to me, I won't pass to her. I could've scored, but she didn't want to pass. That's fine, but if she's gonna play like this I'm too. "Beth lemme take the corner please" I said when she was about to take the corner. "You always take the corner." But of course she said: "That's not true you know that" Okay maybe she's right, but I didn't want to give her her right. "Daan now you're making up things to annoy me and you know it" she said. "Well yeah maybe because you got drunk with my underage sister!" I said. "It wasn't my fault!" she said. Beth knew that Bo shouldn't drink alcohol because if she would she might fall back in her old lifestyle. "JUST TAKE THE FUCKING CORNOR!!" I heard Viv scream. I looked at Beth and she took the cornor. She really pissed me off. It was rest and Joe wanted to say something. "I don't know what is going on between you but if you're gonna keep acting like this, one of you is going on the bench." he said while he was pointing at me and Beth. "Yeah whatever" I said. He looked at me and frowned. "What did you say" he said. "Nothing" I said. He looked away and I rolled my eyes. The rest was over and we went back to the field. "You're such a child" Beth said to me. "Fuck you" I said. Beth and I didn't pass the ball to each other again. I heard Joe yell to us that we should pass the ball. After a few minutes Joe told me that I had to sat on the bench. I walked off the field and looked at Beth. I thought that she would laugh at me, but it actually looked like she felt sorry for me. "Joe! Why me?!" I asked. "Sit down!" he said. I said down and asked him again. "Shut up" he said. "One of you had to go out!"
After the game we went to the dressing room. Everyone was happy because we've won the game except for me and Beth. Beth came up to me. We just shower and I wasn't wearing a shirt, it felt really awkward and she noticed. "Daan I've seen you in your bra before" she said. She was so right. I didn't made it less awkward though. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed. "I want to say I'm sorry." she said. Couldn't she say that before the game? I looked at her and frowned. "No really. It was my fault. I shouldn't have give her alcohol. I know you didn't want her to fall back in who she was. I'm sorry." she said. It was really sweet of her. "It's not all your fault. I know she's responsible for her own mistakes, but since she lives with me... It's like... You know, she feels like my little girl and I've got to protect her. I feel the same way with Ame, but Ame has a mother, Bo hasn't. I just want her to have a normal life." I said. She looked like she understood, but she probably won't ever understand for 100%. She has the perfect life and she doesn't have to take care of her sibling. "Do you really think you can give her a normal life?! She lives with you!" she joked. I laughed, but I knew she was right. It didn't matter thought, she might not have a normal life, but she absolutely doesn't have a boring life.
I wanted to go to my sister, but there were some fans who wanted to take some photos. I took some pictures with them and after that I went to my sister. "What's up with you and Beth?" she asked. "Don't act stupid I knew you were with Beth!" I said. She looked at me with guilt. "So you two were arguing because of me?" she said. "No, no of cours not" I lied. "I saw you walking out the dressingroom with Beth. Is everything okay again?" she asked. I didn't really know the answer myself. Are we okay? I'm still dating Jake so I shouldn't be to much with Beth. "Why didn't you tell me that you caught Matt kissing an other girl?" I asked. "I don't know. I just want to forget him already." she said. "But it's fine because now I have Liam and he's really the one for me." I hope this Liam is a good man for my little girl, because if some boy is going to hurt my little girl I'll kill him. We went to our car and she asked: "Daan?" I knew that she wanted something from me, I just don't know what yet. "Yeah?" I said. She looked at me with her beautiful hazelbrown eyes. "Uhm... Well about last night..." she said. I nodded knowing she was going to say something stupid. "My white nike air forces are now covered in blood... I was wondering if you might, you know, buy new ones for me?" She smiled at me with her pretty face in the hope that I couldn't resist it. I do that too if I want something, so I knew it was just a trick. "No Bo absolutely not! Buy some new ones yourself!" I said. She rolled her eyes and looked annoyed. "I can't because you won't give me money for a month long!" she said. "Maybe you should look for a job!" I said. I spoilt her to much with all kinds of things. She rolled her eyes again. "You look so bitchy..." I said. She laughed. We talked for a while and we laughed a lot. Laughing... We don't do that enough. When we arrived back home she looked at me with that 'I need something from you' face... "Okay can I have my phone back now?" she asked. There it was. How to ruin a nice talk. "No! Don't you realize what you have done?" I said. There was that bitchy look again. She got out the car and walked inside. She's probably gonna ignore me for a few days now. I hate it when she does that. I followrd her and gave her her phone back. "Only for 5 minutes!" I said. She thanked me and called some friends.

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