trust issues

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Daan's POV:
Bo told me that she had to work after school, she works so much and I'm so happy for her to have good and mature friends around. Anyway, Lisa and Viv were also gone for the night because they were gonna eat with Lisa's parents. So I asked if Beth wanna come over to eat dinner. She said yes and told me she'd come over at 8. I put on my sweatpants and a croptop. She came over and at first it was kinda awkward, but we decided that we wanted sushi and we talked a lot. I did the dishes and Beth hugged me from behind. I immediately smiled and turned around. She pressed me to the kitchencounter and kissed me. I pushed myself up on the kitchencounter. She was about to take of my shirt but ofcourse, Bo came in. Beth was kinda disappointed and went back to the couch. I noticed that Bo was kinda off or something. She was looking at the ground and didn't even notice me standing in the kitchen. "Bo come here for a sec" I said. She ignored me, I don't know if she did it on purpose or if she really didn't hear me. "Bo! Come her!" I said again. This time she walked to the kitchen, but she didn't say anything and she still looked at the ground. "Look at me" I said. She didn't listen so I grabbed her chin. Her eyes were kinda red. "Bo?! Did you smoke?" I asked. "No, I- wind. It was because of the wind" she lied. I raised my eyebrow. "I'm the last one you should lie about drugs." I said. "Daaahaan, it was just wind!" she said. I didn't know whether is should believe her or not. I mean, she kinda acted like she smoked, but her eyes could've also been red because of the wind. "I want you to be home for our last dinner with Lisa and Viv together tomorrow." I said. But she ignored me. I let it for what it was and decided to believe her. She walked away and I went back to Beth, but the good mood was already kinda ruined. "Babe, I'm sorry..." I said. "Don't call me that, we're just friends rememher" she said. I can't blame her for being kinda rude, I mean, I was the one who told her that no one could know.

Bo's POV:
I guess Daan knows that I smoked weed. She didn't punish me or something. I walked back to the livingroom and asked if Beth wanted to talk with me. We walked to the kitchen and she sat down on the table. "Beth, I need you to promise me something alright?" I asked. She nodded. "Don't date Daan please... O-or have sex with her... Just leave her alone." I said shy. It was a bit uncomfortable. "Why not?" she asked. "I just... I don't think Daan's ready for a new relationship." I said. She frowned, but not in a bitchy way tho. "I don't think Daan's the one who isn't ready..." she said. She was right... "Okay maybe you're right. But, it's not that I don't like you or something" I said. She smiled sweet to me. "I get it. You've trust issues, but-" she said. I don't know why but I got a bit mad. "The only issue I have is with you!" I said mad. "Bo take it easy." she said. She knows I can get mad quite fast. I didn't want Daan to hear me so I did what she said. I got tears in my eyes. I usually don't cry that fast around people, but I just couldn't hold it back. "I just... I need time. A-and I do think that it is better for Daan to wait a while too. Daan always has boyfriend o-or girlfriend ofcourse, but she's finally single... Can you just please, please stay away for a while? I know it's much to ask" I said. "Okay I promise." she finally said. "Do you really really promise?" I asked just to be sure. "I really do, I'll only see here at practice and matches. I promise" she said. It was nice to hear that. "This is what I mean with trust issues tho" Uhg I don't have any issues. "Sure just keep your promise" I said. "I'll if you trust people more often." she said. I nodded. I gave her a hug and went upstairs.

Bo's POV:
It's been a month. We've moved and I hate it. I miss Lisa and Viv. It's also so quiet in the house. Everything just seems to get worse and worse. Daan is so strict, I mean ofcourse I've done some stupid shit but that doesn't mean she has to be a controlfreak over me. She isn't home really much, but at least Liam can come over. I don't know what Daan thinks about Liam. But he absolutely is a sweetheart.

"So where's you're sister?" Liam asked. At first I planned to go to Liam, but Liam and I wanted to smoke weed again but we couldn't smoke at his house because of his siblings. He has really much siblings. He's the oldest and has 2 younger sisters (15 and 7), and 2 little twin brothers (5) and 1 little brother (3).  His parents think that because he's the oldest he is responsible for his siblings. I like it there tho, it's never quite and his siblings are so sweet and they like me. But because he has so much pressure to take care of his siblings he's really stressed. "I don't know, I told her I went to you" I said. I forgot to tell her that the plan changed. I lit the joint and smoked it. I gave it to him and he smoked it too. We were standing by the window so it wouldn't smell like weed in here. In no time we smoked the whole joint. "Shouldn't you call her?" he asked. "I mean, ofcourse I can but we've the house for ourselves now..." I said. He smirked and kissed me. He pressed me against the closet with al our coats and shoes. I felt his hand on my boob and his other hand on my ass. I know he wants to have sex with me, he's 17 so I get it. Daan doesn't want me to do it with him, but I don't want to disappoint him. I felt his lips going to my neck. He was looking for my weak spot. Within a few seconds he found it. He had done this before, I just knew it. While he was kissing my neck he unzipped my pants. We heard keys. "Shit Daan is home. Get in the closet" I said. He went in the closet and I followed him. "Why do you follow me? It's your own house" he asked. "Daan's a control freak over me and she'll get mad because I haven't told her that we'd be here and smoked. Be quiet!" I said. He didn't say anything. "Fuck! You didn't gave me a hickey right?" I asked. "I did, why?" Liam said. Daan is gonna kill me if she notices, and she will notice. "Jesus Liam!" I said. "sorry" he whispered. We sat down and listened. I heard Daan talking to someone else. It was Beth. I thought she'd stay away from Daan. I felt Liam's hand on my leg, but I was so mad that I push it away. "I think I'll just go." Beth said. Daan grabbed her arm and kissed her. "Bo isn't home" she said. Beth smirked and kissed her back, then she pressed her to the kitchen table right in front of us. I looked at him and he was smirking. "That's gross stop it! " I whispered. Sorry he lip synced. I was so mad at Beth. She promised me goddammit! Daan took of her shirt and I saw Liam smirk again. "Liam stop it, serious! She's my sister! It's not funny!" I whispered. Sorry he lip synced again. Boys got to be boys. They kissed and kissed, I seemed hours. I couldn't watch it anymore. I jumped out of the closet. "What the fuck is this Beth?! You fucking promised asshole" I yelled at Beth. "Holy shit..." Beth said after she saw me and Liam. "Bo wh-" Daan said. "Shut up! I hate both of you! Especially you Beth! Come Liam." I said. "Stay here!" Daan said. Beth knew she fucked up. "I think it's time to go isn't it Liam" Beth said. Liam nodded and they walked away. "You fucking promised!" I said to Beth. I got really mad, it's probably because of the weed. It makes me lose my self control. "And you are... You are just a slut Daan!" I said. I keep yelling at her until she noticed something. "Bo! Heb je gerookt? [Bo did you smoke?]" she asked. "It's not about me it's about you now!" I said. "Je bent vet stoned! [You're really stoned!]" she said. "Nee hoor! [No I'm not!]" I said. She raised her eyebrow. "Don't you fucking lie to me about drugs!" she said. "Okay so what! I'm not the one dating a 100 persons a year!" I said. "We'll talk about this tomorrow!" Daan said. "No we won't! I'm so fucking pissed!" I said. "I know, so get upstairs before you say thing that you'll regret!" Daan said. I wanted to punch her but she was faster and punched my arm back. "Get upstairs now!" she said. "I hate you! And Beth!" I said. "Now Bo! You don't know what you're saying!" she said. I did what she said because I didn't want to see her anymore. "Oh and Bo! You're pants are unzipped!" She said. "Shut the fuck up asshole!" I yelled.

Shoutout to @vrouwenvoetbal1 on wattpad! I love her story Voetbal Familie so much!

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