Don't Know

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Bo's POV:
I woke up but it was only 8 a.m. And Daan would get here at 9. I'm gonna fucking kill here. She did it again. I know she isn't in love with Beth but she makes Beth believe she is.
My door opened and Daan walked in.
Bo: "So what did Beth think about it?"
Daan: "Oh yeah she got it and there are no hard feelings"
Bo: "You're fucking unbelievable!"
Daan: "What?"
Bo: "You didn't tell her! You fucked her! Daan what the fuck do you want? I really don't understand you!"
Daan: "I wanted to tell her, but when I walked in her room she wasn't wearing a shirt and-"
Bo: "Shut up before I puke"
Daan: "Bo... I'm not gonna tell her..."
Bo: "So you decided you'll stay with her?"
Daan: "No... I promise I won't fuc- kiss her again, but I'm not gonna tell her. I'm just gonna avoid her or something, I just can't tell her."
Bo: "Do you even have a heart?"
Daan: "You don't get it"
She is fucking unbelievable, how could she do that to Beth? She's got to deal with it herself, I'm not gonna help her anymore.
Bo: "O the doctor told me he needed to talk to you"
"Really?! I'll go to him now" she said and walk fast out of the room. After a while she came back.
Daan: "Hey I heard about your feet, you are gonna start to walk again tomorrow aren't you? "
Bo: "Jesus that took long"
Daan: "Shut up, we're talking about your feet now"
Bo: "Yeah but I can walk. So I don't know why I have to go"
Daan: "Yeah my ass. Don't you think Jake told me what happend  yesterday? About you trying to walk?"
Bo: "Who's Jake?"
Daan: "The cute doctor"
Bo: "O he"
Daan: "Why did you went out your bed"
Bo: "I was just so bored"
Daan: "Sorry I can't be here for you when you're bored. I hope you just understand that I have to football."
Bo: "I know, it's fine I really enjoy being alone"
Daan: "Really?"
Bo: "No"
I got a text send by my coach: 'Hey Bo, I heard about your feet. I' m really sorry, we could use a good midfielder like you. But I don't think it's a good idea if you played football. I'm sorry to say this, but you won't play football this season,  you have to recover.' O goddammit for real? My feet doesn't hurt that bad, I'm sure I can play in a few weeks. "I got kicked out of the team!" I almost screamed at Daan. She grabbed my phone and started to read the text too. "You didn't got kicked out Bo, he just said that he won't let you play for a few months." she answered. "Months? I can play in like 2 weeks." I said. "No you won't and you know that" she said. I gave her my 'Yeah sure honey' face and she laughed. The doctor or Jake came in the room.
Jake: "Hey Bo, you've to go to Physiotherapy."
Bo: "OMG!! I knew it!"
Daan: "What? What? What's wrong?"
Bo: "You two made out! That's why it took you so long to talk to him!"
Jake: "No!! That's absolutely not true"
Bo: "Oh than, how do you explain your hickey?"
I knew it they did it. Daan always marks her 'victims' with a hickey. I saw one that in Beth's neck too, not sure if Daan did it though.
Jake: "It's uhh... It's from my girlfriend."
Bo: "Hm that's weird. Daan always marks-"
Daan: "Waag het niet Bo! [Don't you dare Bo!]"
Jake: "Okay what's going on here?"
Daan: "Nothing she's just talking crap"
Bo: "Do you even have a girlfriend Jake?"
Jake: "Uhh okay I lied! We did made out! I'm sorry. "
Bo: "What is it? Asshole day?"
They both laughed, but I was serious. First I found out that Daan didn't told Beth about her feelings. Then I they told my that I have to wake up at 10 p.m. Then my coach kicked me out the team. And to make everything worse, Daan and Jake made out. Okay this didn't all happend today, but I'm sure it all happend in 24 hours.
Jake and I went to Physiotherapy and Daan went to her training. My Physiotherapy didn't went really well. I tried to walk while I was holding Jake's hand as help. Everytime I tried to take a step I felt pain, just like the pain when I got stabbed. I didn't want to go on. Jake kept telling me that I'm strong and that I've got this. But it didn't help at all. I just can't walk, I probably won't be able to walk ever again. Everyone was right, I wanted to prove them wrong, but they were just... They were right. I gave up and told Jake I wanted to go back to my room. He told me that I had to stay strong. I just couldn't, I was so tired of being strong. I know I sound like a dramaqueen, but I'm really tired of being strong. I grabbed my crutches and walked back to my room. Jake came after me and told me that we weren't done yet. I told him to back off and started to cry. I didn't want anyone to see me like this so I tried to walk faster.

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