chapter 1 EDITED

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(Third person view)

It had just passed the Christmas holiday and they had turned ten. It was the Okumura brothers first day back at school. They where about two hours away from the end of the school day, and Rin had started to feel unwell he asked to go to the bathroom. When he got to the door his vision blurred a little but he was still able to see. He pulled the handle to the boys rest room and went in. He put some water on his face and his vision came back his hair was now a very light blue. "AHHHHHHH" He quickly covered his mouth hoping no-one heard him. His eyes were also diffrent they were a deep pink and he was really hungry. He remembered he had a lolly pop from lunch he quickly unwrapped it and began eating.

(Rin pov)

My eyes widened as I was sucking on my lolly pop I took the lolly pop out my mouth and my mouth opened a little for a few moments. 'how am I going to go back to class like this?!!' I began freaking out I put the lolly back in my mouth which seemed to calm me little. Suddenly a puff of pink smoke came appeared and within it was a clown looking guy. "Agh!" I jumped back "who are you?!" I shouted but made sure it wasn't loud enough for anyone else to hear. "I'm Mephisto Pheles your big brother but for now your going to go back to class and you'll meet me here after school alright?" He spoke with sarcasm but there was a hint of worry in it barely noticeable. "I can't I look like this" I said in a obvious way. The clown snapped his fingers "there that will keep everything the same for now. Also here if you start to feel sick in class eat this" he said as he handed me a jolly rancher. "Thanks" I looked in the mirror and I looked normal again. I had finished my lolly pop and as I walked out I binned the stick. Mephisto watched as I walked out.

Time skip

(Rin pov)

The bell rang and Yukio came up to me with a smile and looked ready to go home "hey Rin, you ready?" He spoke with a. Cheerful voice "Do you mind walking alone today, I have to stay late after class" I said nervously 'I hope he buys the lie!' I thought. "Oh alright, well make sure your not back too late" Yukio spoke as his cheerful tone turned to sadness "I will Yukio don't worry!" I said as I put my thumb up and big smile "Bye Nii~san" he waved as he left. I let out a large sigh 'thank god he bought the lie, better get to the bathroom quickly to see who was it? Ohhh yeah Mephisto that's what he said!' I thought as I walked to the boys bathroom.

The clown look alike was there sitting in a chair that was "FLOATING! YOU'RE... YOU'RE FLOATING!!!" I shouted in disbelief. "Ah little brother you came" he snapped his fingers and I had my very light blue hair again and pink eyes. "GAH" I stepped back from the mirror in shock "I forgot about that" I sighed and closed my eyes then I looked at Mephisto with a little of irritation "Why do you keep calling me little brother I only have one brother and his name is YUKIO!" I spoke as the end of my sentence was more if yell. "Oh? Mephisto sounded so taunting as he reacted to my words "Well I guess Shiro never was going to tell you anything was he" he spoke it as statement not as question but I answered anyways. "Tell me what?" I asked in growing irritation 'just get to the point already clown guy' he hummed before he spoke "That your Satan's son, the youngest of the eight of us well the youngest of the ones with power. Poor little Yukio is just human" he said as his grin grew ear to ear and his voice was devilish and filled with sarcasm. My eyes widened 'Son of SATAN...??!!!' I stood in front of Mephisto in utter shock for a few minutes before I battled back his statement "THAT'S A LIE!!!" Mephisto wasn't fazed by my actions at all. "Then what's that behind you?" He said devilishly with his stupid grin on his face. I looked behind me to find a black furred tail behind me with lots of fluff on the end. "WHY DO I HAVE A TAIL!!!" I gripped it then let go as jumped forward as I banged into the clown's legs, I shook my head as he picked me up and sat me on his knee "Because you're a demon" he looked at me trying for me to come to his side of the fight. "NO I'M NOT!!!" I tried to wriggle free of his grasp but it was to no avail.

(Mephisto pov)

We bickered for another hour and ofcourse I  won him over to my side it was tiring though. 'he definitely has father's anger' I thought before I spoke what I had, had on my mind for the last few hours. "It seems that even I didn't know that you're demon self would awaken at this time much less as a demon king. I wonder what you'll be the king of? Even if you don't  have your father's power at the moment" I said to both myself and Rin who was still sitting on my lap but seemed to be drifting of to sleep. I patted him on the back to wake him up "I'll take care of your training with me and some of your brother's" he nodded as he rubbed his eyes "now run along home" I gestured him to the door. He jumped off my knee and walked out of the toilets. I snapped my fingers as he left and his hair and tail and all his demon features disappeared.

(Third person view)

Yukio came through the door as school had just finished and Shiro came from deeper within the church. "hi Yukio, where's Rin?" Shoot questioned with worry and curiosity. "He said had had to stay after school" "oh alright"

(One hour later)

(Shiro pov)

My phone buzzed and it was the school I got ready to hear that Rin had done something but Yukio said nothing about it...
"Hello Mr Fujimoto?" A women spoke on the other line "Yes" I spoke in a straight tone "we are going to start tutoring Rin after school for two hours everyday, do we have your consent?" She said I was a little shocked at first but I managed to recompose myself "yes that's fine" "thank you Mr Fujimoto he's on his way home now"

Time skip

(Shiro pov)

Ten minutes after the call Rin came through the door looking a little angry I couldn't blame him he hates school and now he had to be tutored. "Dad, Yuki I'm home!" He yelled "Rin!" Another yell was heard as Yukio came running from upstairs and went to hug Rin, Rin hugged back. They always hated being separated. 'they look so happy together I feel so bad when I take Yukio away for exorcist training' "hey Rin how did your tutoring go at the school" he looked at me confused for a few seconds then put on a grunt face "I hate it, it's just more school work and more time away from Yuki" as he hugged Yukio again. "Ahaha I'm not surprised" I said I put my hands on my waist "well in going to go make dinner!" Rin said dumping his bag and running off. 'I swear to god that kid never learns to pick up after himself' I smiled to myself as I picked up Rin's bag and Yukio ran after Rin to the kitchen.


1328 words

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