chapter 14

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(Mephisto pov)

I know that Rin can hear me but he can't do anything as he is trapped inside his own mind. Untill he forgives himself we have to deal with Darkness and it's rampaging mind. But we really need Rin back because I don't want to do our last option. Unsheathing the Kurikara... If we do that it will kill Darkness as the flames are too strong for it to handle. But it will tear Rin apart mentally. He hates Satan from what he's heard of what he's done and he's hurt Amaimon mentally physically and I know that Rin would do whatever what it took to protect those he loved. That includes me, I know I'm an asshole but Rin cares for all his brothers even Lucifer and Astaroth. But he does not care for Satan. He said he would never care for a demon such as that, most demons are nice but that's is no demon, he- it is a monster. Those are his words I know I could never unsheathe it and do that to him so I have to hope he can bring himself back.

I pulled Rin of Amaimon and pulled his back to my stomach as he struggled. "LET ME GO!!!" It screamed, its voice demonic. "Not untill Rin is back in control." I said back as I kept my grip on it as it kicked and whacked at the air wanting to get out of my strong grasp. "HE'S NOT COMING BACK! I WONT LET HIM!!!" It screamed continuing to have its fit. I gave a sigh and looked at Amaimon and Shiro. They looked worried as if knowing we would be here for quite some time.

(Rin pov)

"You know why you don't forgive yourself you just don't want to admit it. You don't want to say how much of demon you really are. You monster." Punch. I got punched in the face and was pushed back by it. Yukio was the one that punched me and said it. "You know why, you've always known why you can't forgive yourself now!" He yelled at me as he began to fight me with his body; fist, feet, legs, anything the could use. Yukio looked pale and his eyes completely black with his coloured green/blue pupils.

I didn't fight back, I just let him keep hurting me and didn't try to stop him. "You won't forgive yourself because you would do the same!" He yelled at me as he punched me across the floor. "Even if you didn't have Darkness you would still want to kill me if I continued to push you to the edge! YOU WANTED TO KILL ME!" He shouted and my eyes widened at his true words. I didn't move but was pushed, kicked and punched around by Yukio. "I know, your words are true, I know I have the urge to kill you as you had always been a little mean to me and not told me your reasoning and now you have I wanted to, I started getting the feeling that I wanted to kill you." I explained as Yukio started bro slow his attack. "But I also blame myself because of I hadn't told you then we wouldn't be here." I said looking down as I felt guilt weigh me down and stop me from looking up. "You didn't tell us though, that was Mephisto. So don't blame yourself for something you didn't do!" He shouted as he stopped attacking me, I stood there in shock and for once the guilt weight went away for a moment as I willingly looked up knowing I was worthy of looking into his eyes. My brother's eyes, the one's that show me truth and hope. "You know Mephisto did it and it was because he got bored, but don't go blaming him for it, as I almost went up to you and blamed you for something you didn't do." Yukio explained and I listened as if he knew all and was very smart which wasn't a lie, he was always the smarter one but when I got older I realized I knew something that for once he knew nothing of and I could be the one to teach him not the other way around. "Yes you wanted to kill me but a lot of demons are like that so you cannot blame yourself, that is a natural feeling to demons. So please brother for once don't try to stand up on your own, let me give you a hand this time." He put his hand out for me to take and I stood there staring at it. "No." I said as I looked at him with a strong resilient face. Yukio had a small shock moment but if you didn't know how to spot Yukio's shock moments you wouldn't have noticed it. "Fine," He replied and let his hand go to his side. After that he vanished and I was all alone again.

I started to walk around thinking of ways to get out there of here. I feel like I've forgiven myself but also feel like I have a weight of guilt on my shoulders and head as my head hung low from the heavy weight. 'I've forgiven myself so why am I not in control and in the real world. I need to apologize to Amaimon and Mephisto for shouting and blaming my own mistake on them and apologize to dad for killing Yukio, his son, my twin, his exorcist partner.' I thought as I walked about. I guess I also still blame myself for the murder of my brother and all those other people. They were done by my hands meaning I am to blame.

I walked around for however long, probably a coupe hours, just blaming myself and trying to figure a way out of my abyss mind skape.

Time skip

(Shiro pov)

Mephisto has been holding Rin down, or rather sitting on him to stop him from moving away or killing anyone else. "Get off me you damn clown!" Rin shouted as he flailed his arms and legs about. He has calmed down a little since the hours ago than we first saw him. "I think Rin is making progress to forgiving and getting back in control but it seems to have halted for now." Mephisto explained looking up at me and Amaimon who was sitting beside me with his arms resting on his knees and his hands joined. "So we'll h-have Rin back soon r-right?" He asked hopefully and sadly. "Possibly but thing could go the other way and Rin goes back to square one of repairing and getting in control but I hope that is not the case." Mephisto said with a sigh. "O-Oh ok..." Amaimon said. This has hit him very hard and it's not getting any better either. The longer it's taking the more depressed he seems to get. I'm getting more worried and sad as well, I'm afraid I'll never get my only son back.

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