chapter 2 EDITED

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(shiro pov)

It's now the weekend and I'm taking Yukio to do exorcist training. I walk up the stairs to Rin and Yukio's room "Yukio c'mon we need to go we can't be late" I say as I hold out my hand for him to take. He nods and gets up we start to head for the door of the church after walking done the stairs then Yukio stops and I look back to see Rin hugging him tight for behind "Rin?" I hear Yukio question as he lets go of my hand and turns around and hugs Rin back "Nii-san I need to go" he says as he lets go but Rin does not "no" I was a little stunned at first but I got my words back and said "Rin, Yukio has to go"

(Rin pov)

"Rin, Yukio has to go" dad said but I refused to let go and hugged tighter "Rin I have to go or else I'm going to be late" Yukio said to me as he tried to get me off him "NO" I said louder this time with more determination. Dad came up to me and tried to get me of Yukio but I stuck to him then Maruto and Naoya came up to me and after many tries they got me off. "NO NO NOOOOOO!!!" I shouted as tears streamed from my eyes as a began throwing a tantrum "Rin they'll be back soon" Maruto said in a calming tone with a small smile. I got out of their grasp and ran to my room and slammed the door. I went on my bed and put my face into my pillow. I yelled into the pillow as my tantrum continued.

I managed to calm down and I could think clearly that's when it came to me. 'Mephisto warned me about this, that my feelings could over take me and get out of control! I was meant to keep them from doing that!' I began to worry what Mephisto would do to me... 'this is bad, I need better control on them' I didn't think much before I drifted of to sleep.

Time skip

(Rin pov)

I was shaken awake I felt my eyes no longer puffy. I looked up and saw Yukio "Yukio!" I sat up immediately and hugged him, he hugged me back before I pulled away and he did too "Dad wants to talk to you," he said as he waited for me to follow him down stairs. I walked with him 'Well this is bad what am I supposed to say!' we get to kitchen where everyone is sitting at the dining table I sit down beside Yukio "Rin can you tell me why you reacted like that when Yukio left, you've never reacted like that before" I look at him then the table 'think think think!' I was trying to figure out what to say then a light bulb lit up inside my head but I made sure to keep my expression the same. "I don't like it when Yukio leaves and I feel like he's going to leave me" I say as I tears come to my eyes but didn't fall. My words weren't false they were true every word I was afraid he'd leave me and dad leave me too. Especially since I'm... Then a new fear came to me 'yes they know what I am but what if this is all an act!' then my tears fall after that thought. I close my eyes as more tears come. I was soon filled in a warm embrace everyone in the Church was hugging me it felt nice and I willed into thier arms.


610 words

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