Chapter 11

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(Rin pov)

Darkness. That's all I've seen for however long I've been walking around in this endless abyss. The last thing I remember is walking away from dad after he walked away. I was confused until something came into my memory.


(Rin pov)

I walked away but what came next sent me into tears. I saw my memories of me killing. But I wasn't just killing. I was torturing. But who it was made me want to die from the guilt. It was Yukio. Shiro told me I did. How could I forget such a thing?!

Flashback over

(Rin pov)

After that I blacked out and then woke up in this black abyss. I've been walking around in what I think is the ground. I don't know how long I've been here but I've been looking for something to someone other than darkness.

"It's your fault" A voice said, it sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. "Why are you killing so many people?" The voice asked and I looked around but when I looked behind me I saw the last thing I ever wanted to see in my life. I saw a pile of bodies, they piled like a pyramid. But at the bottom was the thing or rather perosn that spoke. "Why did you kill me Nii~san?" Yukio lay At the bottom squished by bodies but his had was stretching out as if to reach for me and his head chest where not all covered by bodies. He lay on his stomach looking at me. "Why would you do such a cruel thing?" He continued to asked questions but I only got memories of killing him not to long ago? Or was it ages ago? Maybe just minutes ago? 'AHH! This is making my head hurt!' I thought as I looked around starting to panic as Yukio's words  tortured me away but everywhere I looked he and the bodies were there. I kept wanting to get away but they were always there. "AAHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed and clutched my head wanting to get away from the sight I'm seeing. I continued to scream until I realized there was silence and I stopped screaming.

I opened my scrunched eyes to see darkness all over again. Nothing but the abyss and silence surrounded me. The torturing silence. I knew I had to find a way out soon so I kept waking around.

(Mephisto pov)

Me, Amaimon and Shiro have been searching for Rin for the past two days, that's how long he's been missing and dead bodies have shown in true cross and the town's around it, but not all around Japan. Every single body has been filled to the brim with candy while their guys have even spilled. It also seems Rin's dark side is not moving to far away from the area it knows. We have not told the Vatican who killed Yukio and we don't plan to as for if we tell them they will hunt him down and won't stop until he is dead. And none of us want him dead, especially Amaimon, he is extremely worried and I had figured they were close but when I saw them cuddling last night I realized they were closer. They loved each other. Amaimon had never been able to connect with anyone but then he met Rin and they clicked and were close. Amaimon got emotions around him and he has love for Rin.

(Amaimon pov)

I miss Rin, I want him back. The day after I tell him I love him he goes missing and is now on a rampage. I have to find Rin and bring him back. I have to bring my little brother back. No. I have to bring my mate back. MY MATE back. Someone who will always be there for me and I in return. We will love each other for all eternity, that's how a mate works. And I know Rin is right for me.

(Shiro pov)

I just got Rin back and now I've chased him off with my words. I have to get Rin back and tell him I'm sorry for what I said. I was angry when I realized to was him and I raged at him and now I have to deal with consequences. But I Alos couldn't have known that he didn't know and Mephisto hadn't told em, I'm not blaming anyone but still. I wish I'd known and maybe, just maybe thing would be different but then again I could have just gone on rampage at Rin without thinking. We haven't really gotten anywhere just searching around to find a new body every now and then. We just need to keep going and hope we find Rin before teh Vatican find out who he is and kill him or before he completely is lost.

(Darkness pov)

"Hello Rin..."

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