Chapter 7

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(Rin pov)

"So you want to talk about what happened?"  Amaimon asked with his arms wrapped around my waist as I sat in between his legs. We were sat in one of the tallest branches in the tree we were in. The forest we were in belonged to Amaimon as you'd expect since he is the demon king of earth. "Alright..." I say a little sad not wanting to talk about it. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Amaimon said as he lay his chin on my shoulder leaning forward from leaning his back against the main tree part. "No, I have to talk about it at some point might as well be now," I say in a bit of a pout and annoyance. "Alright." He says as leans back against the tree and I lean back onto him. "Well first Yukio told me to be quiet and that I was giving him a headache but the way he said was what makes it so bad. He was gritting his teeth and sounded like he was holding himself back on something." I said looking around to greened forest. The light was shining through the small gaps of leaves, it was beautiful and the birds whistling and leaves rustling it was lovely. I could stay here forever. "I see, carry on." Amaimon said as he hugged me a little closer and I enjoyed the comfort. "Later that day I heard Yukio talking about me to Shiro and Yukio was saying how I was a gay piece of demon shit and Shiro ended up and slapping him and comforted me." I felt the tears start to run down my cheeks, I gave a sniff before I felt the soft hands that belonged to Amaimon whipped the tears away. "Hey", no need to cry, I'm here for you," Amaimon said in a comforting voice I smiled at and leaned into his touch. "Thank you Amaimon," I say with my eyes closed a sad comforting smile on my face. "What are you thanking me for?" He asked as he leaned forward trying to get a look at my face and I turned my head to him. "You're the one always there for me, Mephisto's an asshole and I don't spend time with my other brothers and you trained me well," I said benevolently. "I should be thanking you." He said in a knowledgeable tone, I looked at him confused as my tears began to dry and no longer fall or fill my eyes. Amaimon took my confused look like a sign to carry on. "You gave me chance to be myself, since I was born I was different from my brothers, I had no emotions so my brothers never hung out with me, demons didn't like me either because they thought since I was emotionless I was heartless and wouldn't hesitate to kill them. But in reality, I didn't have emotions but I still cared, I had known what it was like to be lonely and when I first met you, you were different, You reminded me of myself. Hated and shunned people always wondering what sin I'll do next. When we grew closer, for the first time I knew what emotions are... And now I know..." He trailed off looking up towards the leaves and I followed his gaze. We stared at the cracks of sunlight in the leaf-covered forest. "Now I know what love is..." My eyes widened at his words, I knew that he loved me at that moment because he doesn't connect with anyone else as we do. I felt a hand grab my chin and it pulled me to look to my side and met with Amaimon's beautiful turquoise eyes. At that moment I knew what was going to happen and so it did. I closed my eyes and soon enough I was captured ina short but beautiful kiss. We pulled apart and for the first time, I knew what it felt like to be loved. yes, I had my dad and Yukio and everyone at the church but I was always scared that they would hate me because I was a demon and in which did happen from Yukio. I don't want to lose Yukio but I'm afraid I'm going to. But during this moment all my thoughts vanished all I felt was love and comfort. "I love you Rin, Rin Okumura," he said with a comforting smile that always brought me such happiness and comfort. "I love you too Amaimon," I said as we gave another quick kiss. We pulled apart and leaned back into each other's comfort while sitting on the tree. We both closed our eyes and listened to the sound of the wildlife around us. Everything was perfect. It was the exact definition of perfect. And so was Amaimon.

811 words

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