Chapter 9

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(Rin pov)

No no no no no no no no no NO! This isn't happening, I was supposed to be brother's again with Yukio, he shouldn't have died! He doesn't get to die!' So many thing we're going through my head as I stared at exorcist who told us about the incident. "R-Ri-" He was cut off by me, for some reason I felt angry at them because of an idea that I got.

(Third person pov)

"NO! SHUT UP! YOU KILLED HIM!" Rin shouted as he went in front of Amaimon with tears in my eyes. "Rin he couldn't have Amaimon was with you all ni-" Mephisto tried to explain but was cut off by Rin. Mephisto may be a bastard but he won't let his brothers be falsely blamed. "WELL THEN! YOU MUST OF DONE IT! YOU TWO WERE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO KNEW WHAT YUKIO HAD DONE! So if you can't find another motive then I guess you really do kill innocent People..." Rin finished as he slammed the behind him.

(Rin pov)

I don't know what to do, I didn't know what to do. That's why I'm so angry and it was one of my big brothers it can only be Amaimon or Mephisto, they're the only ones that knew what Yukio did. But why does this matter that they know what he did? Well my brother's always want to protect me so it would make sense if one of them or both! Killed him. But if it wasn't them. I would rule out Lucifer and Astaroth as I have not met them leaving Azazel, Egyn, Iblis and Beelzebub. I have met them but they don't come to Assiah so it has to be Amaimon or Mephisto.

As I was walking down the hall I was getting angrier and sadder until I started sprinting wanting to get away from the place I was. But what I saw next will stay in my memories forever.

"Rin..." Dad said as he looked up at me across from the body being carried. It was Yukio's. He was torn up and looked to have his guts pulled out. If you didn't know he was dead you probably wouldn't know it was Yukio from the amount of scars, cuts, and bruises on him. It definitely wasn't a slow death.

I looked up at dad and then ran another way as I didn't want to see the horrific sight anymore. I wanted to run. That's all I wanted was to run, run, run, just run away. Far away. I ran until I couldn't anymore, I don't know how long I had been running for but the sun was now about to start setting.

'I must have been gone for hours now.' I thought as I sat down on top of a tree and caught my breath. Sitting in the tree reminded me of Amaimon but I didn't want to think about him. I didn't want to think about anything to do with what happened in the last week. I just want to have a clear mind and sleep. So that's what I did. I fell asleep on top of a tree. It was a big oak tree so it was massive.

(Mephisto pov)

I actually wasn't me or Amaimon but I know who did it and so does Amaimon but we don't want I tell Rin as it will tear him apart. You see every demon has a dark side. It won't come out unless something hurts you badly but that only happens if you can't control it. We can all control ours except Rin. I never wanted to tell him as I thought it would never happen. But it did.

Rin killed Yukio.

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