chapter 5

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I AM BACK! And ready to write. Updates will be slow as I'm going back to school soon and I have many stories on going


(Yukio pov)

It's gross what my brother wears, they're ladies' clothes and he's fucking gay! You have to like the opposite gender, that's the rules. I don't know why I didn't tell him it was wrong when I first saw him! I don't know how anyone can stand that gay piece of shit!

I was on my way to my classroom to teach when I saw Rin come up to me. "Hey Yukio!" He said joyfully to me waving skipping along beside me. As soon as I saw him and heard his voice I grew irritated. 'I want to tell him to shut up and fuck off but yet something stopped me and I hate it! What is holding me back?' He continued to talk until I had, had enough. "Can you please be quiet you're giving me a headache" I said to him, motioning my arms to show my irritation. He shuts up instantly and looks at me with a hurt face, I continue to walk I hear faint "Sorry" from Rin I go into my classroom to get ready to teach.

(Rin pov)

"Sorry" I say quietly not sure if he heard it. I stare at the floor. 'I'm sure he's just stressed... Yeah! that's it! he's just stressed' I think looking back up with a sad smile. I walk to the door and wait outside the classroom. My expression goes to a blank.

"N... IN... R...IN... RIN! RIN!" I get pulled out of my thoughts by yelling and a hand in front of my face, I look up to see "Old man?" I question with a confused face. "You weren't responding, you ok?" he asks in his worried and caring voice. "Yeah, just thinking" I say back looking away back to the floor and fiddling with my fingers "Well that was some pretty deep thinking" I give a little laugh to his comment. "Yeah, it probably was. Has the bell rang yet?" I ask looking back at him with a straight face "It's about to" just then the bell rang "Well I should I get to class " I say about to go to the door of my classroom but I'm grabbed by a hand on my shoulder "You sure you're ok?" he asks me. My back is still to him, I look to the side and down with a sad expression but not only my expression showed sadness my voice gave it away too "Yeah... I'm good" I say and I walk into the classroom. I sit down in my seat near the front at the side nearest the door. I look at Yukio 'am I overthinking this?' I ask myself mentally

(Shiro pov)

'Something's wrong... Rin is good at hiding his feelings but this time he failed to' I begin to get more worried the more I think about it 'I'm going to talk to Yukio see if he knows anything about this' I walk off to talk to Mephisto to talk about some stuff he had to. Knowing him it's something stupid.


Sorry it's short! I'm more into my other stories so this story won't be updated much

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